Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 117: Graphene II: Adsorption, Intercalation and Doping (joint session O/TT)
Freitag, 20. März 2020, 10:30–12:30, GER 37
10:30 |
O 117.1 |
Ab initio thermodynamics of hydrocarbons relevant to graphene growth at solid and liquid Cu surfaces — •Mie Andersen, Juan Santiago Cingolani, and Karsten Reuter
10:45 |
O 117.2 |
Graphene on liquid Cu, a multiscale model rationalizing mesoscale flake alignment — •Juan Santiago Cingolani, Karsten Reuter, and Mie Andersen
11:00 |
O 117.3 |
Experimental access to thermodynamics and kinetics predicting the CVD growth of graphene on Cu — •Paul Leidinger, Jürgen Kraus, and Sebastian Günther
11:15 |
O 117.4 |
Stacking Relations and Substrate Interaction of Graphene on Copper Foil — •Philip Schädlich, Florian Speck, Stiven Forti, Camilla Coletti, and Thomas Seyller
11:30 |
O 117.5 |
Sidewall epigraphene investigated by STEM — •Markus Gruschwitz, Steffen Schulze, and Christoph Tegenkamp
11:45 |
O 117.6 |
Epitaxial growth of high-quality armchair graphene nanoribbons — •H. Karakachian, J. Aprojanz, T. T. N. Nguyen, A. A. Zakharov, R. Yakimova, P. Rosenzweig, C. M. Polley, T. Balasubramanian, C. Tegenkamp, and U. Starke
12:00 |
O 117.7 |
Monodispersed graphene nanoribbons on Ag(111) by electrospray controlled ion beam deposition: their self-assembly and on-surface extension visited by STM — •Wei Ran, Andreas Walz, Karolina Stoiber, Peter Knecht, Anthoula C. Papageorgiou, Annette Huettig, Diego Cortizo-Lacalle, Juan P. Mora-Fuentes, Aurelio Mateo-Alonso, Hartmut Schlichting, Joachim Reichert, and Johannes V. Barth
12:15 |
O 117.8 |
Understanding trends in lithium binding at 2D materials — •Zeljko Sljivancanin, Srdjan Stavric, and Zoran S. Popovic