10:30 |
O 124.1 |
Michelson Interferometry with Spiral Phase Plates — •Michael Reichenspurner, Nicola Kerschbaumer, Michael Fedoruk, Theobald Lohmüller, and Jochen Feldmann
10:45 |
O 124.2 |
Cryogenic Single Nanoparticle Action Spectroscopy (cryo-SNAS) - A New Tool for Surface Science of Single Nanoparticles — •Tim Esser, Benjamin Hoffmann, and Knut Asmis
11:00 |
O 124.3 |
Observation of bulk electronic states with HAXPES on the heavy fermion system YbRh2Si2 — •Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Sergey Chernov, Sergey Babenkov, Olena Fedchenko, Dmitry Vasilyev, Katerina Medjanik, Christoph Schlueter, Andrei Gloskovskii, Yury Matveyev, Kristin Kliemt, Cornelius Krellner, Gerd Schoenhense, Jure Demsar, and Hans-Joachim Elmers
11:15 |
O 124.4 |
In-plane and out-of-plane nanomechanical characterization of HOPG at the atomic scale — •Anna Lisa Eichhorn and Christian Dietz
11:30 |
O 124.5 |
Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition as Universal Preparation Method for Electron Microscopy Imaging of Molecules on Ultrathin Supports — •Stephan Rauschenbach
11:45 |
O 124.6 |
Developing descriptors for the prediction of adsorption energies on metal oxides — •Wenbin Xu, Mie Andersen, and Karsten Reuter
12:00 |
O 124.7 |
Towards an efficient sarin detector: a combined theory-experiment approach — •Hazem Aldahhak, Paulina Powroźnik, Piotr Pander, Fernando B. Dias, Wolf Gero Schmidt, Uwe Gerstmann, and Maciej Krzywiecki
12:15 |
O 124.8 |
Self-interaction correction applied to molecules in solution — •Jakob Kraus, Sebastian Schwalbe, Kai Trepte, and Jens Kortus
12:30 |
O 124.9 |
Reliable electrostatic energies in MPE implicit solvation — •Jakob Filser, Konstantin Jakob, Markus Sinstein, Karsten Reuter, and Harald Oberhofer
12:45 |
O 124.10 |
Boosting size convergence for slab supercell calculations of materials exhibiting spontaneous polarization — •Su-Hyun Yoo, Mira Todorova, Chris Van de Walle, and Jörg Neugebauer
13:00 |
O 124.11 |
Theoretical study of Ln atoms in complexes and surfaces: valence electrons effect — •Stanislav Avdosheno and Alexey Popov
13:15 |
O 124.12 |
Spin-dependent electron reflection from Au(111) and single-layer MoS2/Au(111): A comparative study — •Christoph Angrick, Andre Reimann, Nicole Mutzke, Moritz Ewert, Lars Buß, Jens Falta, Jan Ingo Flege, and Markus Donath