15:00 |
O 16.1 |
Nickel and Platinum Clusters in Methanol Photocatalysis on Rutile Titania — •Moritz Eder, Carla Courtois, Martin Tschurl, and Ueli Heiz
15:15 |
O 16.2 |
Hydrogenation of small organic molecules on size-selected Pd-clusters supported on MgO — •Kevin Bertrang, Maximilian Krause, Marian David Rötzer, Andrew Scott Crampton, and Ueli Heiz
15:30 |
O 16.3 |
Nanotuning via local work function control: Ethylene hydrogenation on supported Pt nanoclusters — •Ueli Heiz, Marian D. Rötzer, Maximilian Krause, Andrew S. Crampton, Bokwon Yoon, and Uzi Landman
16:00 |
O 16.4 |
Palladium nanoparticles supported on sapphire (0001): Decomposition of metastable palladium carbide under LOHC and under inert gas atmosphere — •Ralf Schuster, Manon Bertram, Henning Runge, Simon Chung, Vedran Vonk, Heshmat Noei, Yaroslava Lykhach, Andreas Stierle, and Jörg Libuda
16:15 |
O 16.5 |
Coupled Cluster Embedding of Metal Nanoparticles — •Wilke Dononelli
16:30 |
O 16.6 |
Cluster superlattice membranes — Tobias Hartl, •Moritz Will, Sophia Dellmann, Davor Čapeta, Virgínia Boix de la Cruz, Rajendra Singh, Daniel Scheinecker, Paolo Lacovig, Silvano Lizzit, Jani Kotakoski, Marko Kralj, Jan Knudsen, Thomas Michely, and Pantelis Bampoulis
16:45 |
O 16.7 |
Shape-controlling effects of hydrohalic and carboxylic acids in TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis — Kai Sellschopp, Wolfgang Heckel, Johannes Gäding, Clemens Schröter, Andreas Hensel, Tobias Vossmeyer, Horst Weller, Stefan Müller, and •Gregor Vonbun-Feldbauer
17:00 |
O 16.8 |
Ru/TiO2 catalysts in the CO2 methanation: chemical nature of Ru nanoparticles investigated by operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy — •Joachim Bansmann, Ali Abdel-Mageed, Shilong Chen, Klara Wiese, and R. Jürgen Behm
17:15 |
O 16.9 |
Nanoscale surface chemistry of Au-based catalysis studied by field emission techniques — Luc Jacobs, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé, Austin Akey, David Bell, and •Cédric Barroo
17:30 |
O 16.10 |
In situ SEM as surface-sensitive tool to study catalytic reactions — •Cédric Barroo, Zhu-Jun Wang, and Marc Willinger
17:45 |
O 16.11 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Silver Tarnishing — •Gabriele Saleh, Chen Xu, and Stefano Sanvito
18:00 |
O 16.12 |
Water-Gas Shift Activity on Au-Clusters Supported over TiO2(110) Surface: The Role of Planar Versus Non-Planar Au-Clusters — •Bhumi Baraiya, Venu Mankad, and Prafulla Jha