Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 20: Oxides II: Structures, Interactions and Reducibility
Montag, 16. März 2020, 15:30–18:30, WIL B321
15:30 |
O 20.1 |
From UHV to ambient conditions: Water on In2O3(111) — Hao Chen, Matthias A. Blatnik, Francesca Mirabella, Giada Franceschi, Michele Riva, Michael Schmid, Jan Čechal, Bernd Meyer, Ulrike Diebold, and •Margareta Wagner
15:45 |
O 20.2 |
Direct Assessment of the Proton Affinity of Individual Surface Hydroxyls with AFM and DFT — •Bernd Meyer, Margareta Wagner, Martin Setvin, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
16:00 |
O 20.3 |
Polarons in oxide surfaces — •Cesare Franchini
16:30 |
O 20.4 |
ZrO2−δ thin films: Oxygen-deficient, but not reduced — Peter Lackner, Sabrina Mayr, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, and •Michael Schmid
16:45 |
O 20.5 |
High temperature reduction and reoxidation of cerium oxide on Cu(111) — •Linus Pleines, Lars Buß, Tevfik Onur Menteş, Francesca Genuzio, Andrea Locatelli, Jan Ingo Flege, and Jens Falta
17:00 |
O 20.6 |
Atomic structure of cubic ceria surfaces: an IR spectroscopic study — Chengwu Yang, •Junjun Wang, Xiaojuan Yu, Alexei Nefedov, Stefan Heissler, Christof Wöll, and Yuemin Wang
17:15 |
O 20.7 |
Copper Oxidation on Pt(111) - More than a Surface Oxide? — •Alexander Gloystein and Niklas Nilius
17:30 |
O 20.8 |
Ab-initio studies of the (110) surface terminations of rutile VO2 — •Jakub Planer, Florian Mittendorfer, and Josef Redinger
17:45 |
O 20.9 |
First-Principles Study of Lithium Oxide Surfaces and Crystallites for Lithium-Oxygen Batteries — •Behnaz Rahmani Didar and Axel Gross
18:00 |
O 20.10 |
Structure and properties of Cs ions grown on ZnO/Ag(111) — •Ting-Chieh Hung and Karina Morgenstern
18:15 |
O 20.11 |
Hydrogen Atom Scattering at Aluminium Oxide — •Martin Liebetrau and Jörg Behler