18:15 |
O 30.1 |
Study of Magnetic Molecules on Superconductors by STM/AFM — •soroush arabi, yuqi wang, klaus kern, and markus ternes
18:15 |
O 30.2 |
Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states of Manganese atoms on Vanadium — •Jennifer Hartfiel, Gaël Reecht, Martina Trahms, Rika Simon, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 30.3 |
Single-Co and two-site Kondo effect in atomic Cu wires on Cu(111) — •Nicolas Néel, Markus Bohn, Jörg Kröger, Malte Schüler, Bin Shao, Tim O. Wehling, Alexander Kowalski, and Giorgio Sangiovanni
18:15 |
O 30.4 |
Demonstration of single atom ESR and pump-probe with a 30 mK STM setup — •Werner M.J. van Weerdenburg, Manuel Steinbrecher, Niels P.E. van Mullekom, Jan W. Gerritsen, Fabian D. Natterer, and Alexander A. Khajetoorians
18:15 |
O 30.5 |
Magnetic coupling between ferromagnetic semiconductors and organometallic phtalocyanines — •Carmen González-Orellana, Maxim Ilyn, Marco Gobbi, Paul Dreher, and Celia Rogero
18:15 |
O 30.6 |
The alloy Mn88Ni12: An Intrinsically Spin-Polarised Tip Material? — •J. Rika Simon, Martina Trahms, Jennifer Hartfiel, Gaël Reecht, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 30.7 |
Quantum Stochastic Resonance in a Single Atom — •Gregory McMurtrie, Max Hänze, Luigi Malavolti, and Sebastian Loth
18:15 |
O 30.8 |
Spin dependent transmission of nickelocene-copper contacts probed with shot noise — Michael Mohr, Manuel Gruber, Alexander Weismann, David Jacob, Paula Abufager, Nicolás Lorente, and •Richard Berndt
18:15 |
O 30.9 |
Measuring the exchange force field of a non-collinear magnetic structure on the atomic scale — Nadine Hauptmann, Soumyaiyoti Haldar, Tzu-Chao Hung, Wouter Jolie, •Lorena Niggli, Mara Gutzeit, Daniel Wegner, Stefan Heinze, and Alexander A. Khajetoorians
18:15 |
O 30.10 |
Kondo Resonance of NO on Au(110)–(1×2) — •Hiroyuki Koshida, Hiroshi Okuyama, Shinichiro Hatta, and Tetsuya Aruga
18:15 |
O 30.11 |
Setup for time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy of ferromagnetic surfaces and magnetization dynamics triggered by back-side illumination — •Maximilian Paleschke, Cheng-Tien Chiang, and Wolf Widdra