Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 31: Poster Session - Metal substrates: Structure, Epitaxy and Growth
Montag, 16. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P1C
18:15 |
O 31.1 |
Influence of strain on dendrite growth in battery materials — •Daniel Stottmeister and Axel Gross
18:15 |
O 31.2 |
Production and transfer of h-BN monolayers: Exploratory study — •Marco Thaler, Tobias Bonczyk, and Erminald Bertel
18:15 |
O 31.3 |
Inverse melting of Ni on Re(0001) — Johannes Regel, •Torge Mashoff, and Hans-Joachim Elmers
18:15 |
O 31.4 |
Al2Cu(001) studied by photo electron spectroscopy — •Holger Schwarz, Niels Rösch, Stefan Püschel, Peter Gille, Marc Armbrüster, and Thomas Seyller
18:15 |
O 31.5 |
Structure analysis of ultrathin NaCl-layers on metallic substrates — •Kira Kolpatzeck, Ebru Ekici, Vijaya Begum, Markus Gruner, Rossitza Pentcheva, and Rolf Möller
18:15 |
O 31.6 |
Surface structure and chemical composition of the Te covered Au75Ag25(111) surface — •Tobias Kirschbaum, Tilman Kißlinger, Lutz Hammer, and M. Alexander Schneider
18:15 |
O 31.7 |
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of submonolayer growth of MnxAu1−x on Cu(001) — •Ismet Gelen, Tauqir Shinwari, Yasser A. Shokr, Evangelos Golias, and Wolfgang Kuch
18:15 |
O 31.8 |
Comparative investigation of strain induced effects in Dy-Ag and Dy-Cu surface alloys — •Sina Mousavion, Johannes Seidel, Lu Lyu, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann