Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 35: Poster Session - Tribology: Surfaces and Nanostructures
Montag, 16. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P1C
18:15 |
O 35.1 |
Temperature dependent friction measurements of manganite films — •Niklas Weber, Hendrik Schmidt, Richard Vink, and Cynthia A. Volkert
18:15 |
O 35.2 |
Theoretical study of rotational transmission and friction of solid-state gears — Huang-Hsiang Lin, •Jonathan Heinze, Alexander Croy, Rafael Gutiérrez, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
18:15 |
O 35.3 |
Temperature dependence of friction anisotropy on crystalline materials — •Jennifer Konrad, Dirk Dietzel, and Andre Schirmeisen
18:15 |
O 35.4 |
Non-linear friction and load-induced hybridization on epitaxial graphene/SiC — •Bartosz Szczefanowicz, Andreas Klemenz, Michael Moseler, and Roland Bennewitz
18:15 |
O 35.5 |
Atomic Scale Mechanisms in Nanoindentation and Scratching of MoS2 — Azad Kirsan, •Mattis Gossler, Florian Wullschläger, and Bernd Meyer