09:30 |
O 38.1 |
Phospholipid membranes as model systems for fundamental soft matter research — •Sebastian Jaksch
10:00 |
O 38.2 |
Brownian motion in near-surface pressure driven flows with 3D-nanometric spatial resolution — •Joshua McGraw, Alexandre Vilquin, Pierre Soulard, Vincent Bertin, Gabriel Guyard, David Lacoste, Elie Raphael, Frederic Restagno, and Thomas Salez
10:15 |
O 38.3 |
Relation between stability and interfacial structure of polyelectrolyte containing foam films — •Larissa Braun and Regine von Klitzing
10:30 |
O 38.4 |
Near-surface dynamics of semidilute polymer solutions: diffusion, nonlinear rheology, and the hydrodynamic boundary condition — •Gabriel Guyard, Alexandre Vilquin, Frederic Restagno, and Joshua McGraw
10:45 |
O 38.5 |
AFM Force-Distance-Curves on Different Lubricants — •Sebastian Friedrich and Brunero Cappella
11:00 |
O 38.6 |
Revealing the formation of sputter deposited copper nanolayers on functional polymer thin films for lithium-ion batteries — •Simon J. Schaper, Franziska C. Löhrer, Senlin Xia, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Pallavi Pandit, Alexander Hinz, Oleksandr Polonskyi, Thomas Strunskus, Franz Faupel, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
O 38.7 |
Insight into ion transport across polypyrrole-electrolyte interfaces by in situ X-ray reflectivity and electrochemistry — •Pirmin H. Lakner, Manuel Brinker, Christoph Seitz, Sergey Volkov, Patrick Huber, and Thomas F. Keller
11:45 |
O 38.8 |
Revealing Lithium Transport Processes in Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes Using Neutron Depth Profiling — •Markus Trunk, Fabian Linsenmann, Philip Rapp, Jamie Weaver, Lukas Werner, Roman Gernhäuser, Ralph Gilles, Bastian Märkisch, Zsolt Revay, and Hubert Gasteiger
12:00 |
O 38.9 |
Comparison of the effects of solvent additives on the morphology development of printed PPDT2FBT:PC71BM films — •Dan Yang, Sebastian Grott, Xinyu Jiang, Kerstin S. Wienhold, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
12:15 |
O 38.10 |
Functionalization of Metalloxid surfaces with Porphyrins — •Klaus Götz, Annemarie Prihoda, and Tobias Unruh
12:30 |
O 38.11 |
Atomistic modelling of confined molecules between atomically flat surfaces — •Jose D. Cojal Gonzalez and Jürgen P. Rabe
12:45 |
O 38.12 |
Exploring the Resistive Switching Properties of HfO2 Nanoparticle Assemblies — •Sonam Maiti, Chen Liu, Thorsten Ohlerth, Ulrich Simon, and Silvia Karthäuser