10:30 |
O 43.1 |
Mie Theory in terms of Axion-Plasmonics — •Johannes Schultz, Axel Lubk, Flavio S. Nogueira, and Bernd Büchner
10:45 |
O 43.2 |
Broadband plasmonic spectroscopy of vectorial near-field coupling — •Martin Esmann, Simon F. Becker, Julia Witt, Jinxin Zhan, Abbas Chimeh, Anke Korte, Jinhui Zhong, Ralf Vogelgesang, Gunther Wittstock, and Christoph Lienau
11:00 |
O 43.3 |
Solution of electrodynamics on plasmonic nanohelices by boundary element method — •Daniel Nürenberg, Peer Fischer, and Helmut Zacharias
11:15 |
O 43.4 |
Perturbation theory as an efficient tool for modelling chiral and achiral plasmonic sensors — •Steffen Both, Harald Giessen, and Thomas Weiss
11:30 |
O 43.5 |
Generalized 1D description of light coupling to arbitrarily curved plasmonic wires — •Thorsten Feichtner, Katja Höflich, Jer-Shing Huang, and Bert Hecht
11:45 |
O 43.6 |
Polar semiconductor heterostructures as hyperbolic metamaterials — •Christopher J. Winta, Daniel C. Ratchford, Martin Wolf, Joshua D. Caldwell, and Alexander Paarmann
12:00 |
O 43.7 |
Optical Nano-Imaging of Electronic Shear Modes — Jun Yong Khoo, Po-Yao Chang, Inti Sodemann, and •Falko Pientka
12:15 |
O 43.8 |
Chiral Scatterometry on Chemically Synthesized Single Plasmonic Nanoparticles — •Julian Karst, Nam Heon Cho, Hyeohn Kim, Hye-Eun Lee, Ki Tae Nam, Harald Giessen, and Mario Hentschel
12:30 |
O 43.9 |
Reconfigurable high-quality surface phonon polariton resonators — Andreas Heßler, •Konstantin G. Wirth, Yvonne Bente, Laric Bobzien, Joshua Caldwell, Matthias Wuttig, Dimitry N. Chigrin, and Thomas Taubner
12:45 |
O 43.10 |
Photonic wheels and magnetic field induced directional emission of excitons — •Lars Klompmaker, Felix Spitzer, Alexander N. Poddubny, Ilya A. Akimov, Leonid V. Litvin, Ralf Jede, Grzegorz Karczewski, Maciej Wiater, Tomasz Wojtowicz, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, and Manfred Bayer
13:00 |
O 43.11 |
Tuning the coupling of plasmonic structures with photonic crystals — •Rahim Benrali, Constance Schmidt, Teresa I. Madeira, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
13:15 |
O 43.12 |
Influence of number of grooves on spectral shape of grating-coupled surface plasmon polaritons — •Sven Stephan, Christoph Bennenhei, Christoph Lienau, and Martin Silies
13:30 |
O 43.13 |
Laser-induced periodic surface structures formation on various materials — •Pavel N. Terekhin, Pascal D. Ndione, Sebastian T. Weber, and Baerbel Rethfeld