Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 45: Solid-Liquid Interfaces II: Reactions and Electrochemistry
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 10:30–13:30, WIL C107
10:30 |
O 45.1 |
Photo-sensitive 2D-arrangement of -OH/H2O on brookite TiO2 (210) — •Lei Yang, Eero Holmstrom, Takeshi Fukuma, and Adam Foster
10:45 |
O 45.2 |
CPMD Performance Optimization for Large-Scale Simulations of Vibrational Spectra at Solid-Liquid Interfaces — •Tobias Klöffel, Paul Schwarz, Gerald Mathias, and Bernd Meyer
11:00 |
O 45.3 |
In-situ identification of catalytically active surface sites using electrochemical STM — •Aliaksandr Bandarenka
11:30 |
O 45.4 |
In-situ STM imaging of self-activated CO oxidation on Cu(111) electrocatalysts — Andrea Auer, Eva-Maria Wernig, Xing Ding, Aliaksandr Bandarenka, Nicolas Hörmann, Karsten Reuter, and •Julia Kunze-Liebhäuser
11:45 |
O 45.5 |
Electrically triggered reactions at interfaces — •Florian Deissenbeck, Lei Yang, Marc Pander, Fang Niu, Andreas Erbe, Christoph Freysoldt, Mira Todorova, Jörg Neugebauer, and Stefan Wippermann
12:00 |
O 45.6 |
Dependence of Electron and Ion Transport on the Intermolecular Coupling in Fluorinated Phthalocyanine Thin Films as Electrochromic Materials — •Thi Hai Quyen Nguyen, Marius Pelmus, Sergiu M. Gorun, and Derck Schlettwein
12:15 |
O 45.7 |
Ab initio thermodynamics study of two-dimensional Ir and Ru oxide nanosheets as active oxygen evolution reaction catalyst in acidic media — •Po-Yuan Huang, Yonghyuk Lee, Christoph Scheurer, and Karsten Reuter
12:30 |
O 45.8 |
Chemistry and phase transition of pyridine derivatives on gold electrode probed by vibrational sum frequency generation — Xin Gong, Martin Wolf, R. Kramer Campen, and •Yujin Tong
12:45 |
O 45.9 |
Influence of surface coating on electrochemical performance of Ni-rich NCM cathodes for Lithium ion batteries — •Rajendra Singh Negi and Matthias T. Elm
13:00 |
O 45.10 |
Influence of Porosity on the Protonic Surface Conductivity of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films — •Erdogan Celik, Torsten Brezesinski, and Matthias T. Elm
13:15 |
O 45.11 |
A DFT study of early steps of Au island nucleation on c(2×2)-Cl Au(001) surface — •Alexandra C. Dávila and Eckhard Pehlke