18:15 |
O 47.1 |
Time-resolved and spatially resolved exciton dynamics in a microstructured WSe2 monolayer investigated by 2D nanoscopy — •Daniel Fersch, Sebastian Pres, Victor Lisinetskii, Robert Schneider, Johannes Kern, Matthias Hensen, Rudolf Bratschitsch, and Tobias Brixner
18:15 |
O 47.2 |
Develop strain manipulation techniques for STM measurement — •Jz-Yuan Juo, Bong Gyu Shin, Jack Maughan, Charlie Shaw, Soon Jung Jung, and Klaus Kern
18:15 |
O 47.3 |
Highly ordered metallic phase of Indium on SiC(0001) — •Jonas Erhardt, Maximilian Bauernfeind, Victor Rogalev, Jörg Schäfer, and Ralph Claessen
18:15 |
O 47.4 |
Ab-initio simulation of angle-resolved photoemission spectra for transition metal dichalcogenides — •Christoph Dösinger and Peter Puschnig
18:15 |
O 47.5 |
Modification of 2D materials by ultra-low energy ion implantation — •Manuel Auge, Michael Hennessy, Ursel Bangert, and Hans Hofsäss
18:15 |
O 47.6 |
Optoelectronic properties of point defects in hBN — •Alexander Kirchhoff, Thorsten Deilmann, Peter Krüger, and Michael Rohlfing
18:15 |
O 47.7 |
p Orbital flat band and Dirac cone in the electronic honeycomb lattice — •Thomas Gardenier, Jette van den Broeke, Jesper Moes, Ingmar Swart, Christophe Delarue, Marlou Slot, Cristiane Morais Smith, and Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
18:15 |
O 47.8 |
Ultrafast microscopy of charge density wave phase transitions using pump-probe imaging ellipsometry — •Sebastian Rohrmoser, Julius B. Peters, Tobias Heinrich, Murat Sivis, and Claus Ropers
18:15 |
O 47.9 |
In-plane anisotropy of the elastic properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides — •Juliane Mörsel, Pasquale Pavone, and Claudia Draxl
18:15 |
O 47.10 |
Local electronic properties of monolayer and bilayer VS2 on Au(111) — •Jannik Dornseiff, Sabina Simon, Felix Förschner, Julia Tesch, and Mikhail Fonin
18:15 |
O 47.11 |
In Operando Soft X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of 2D Materials — Sanjoy K. Mahatha, •Alena Nierhauve, Sebastian Rohlf, Benedikt Schulte, Florian Diekmann, Jens Buck, Matthias Kalläne, Gregor Praedel, James McIver, and Kai Rossnagel
18:15 |
O 47.12 |
Strain tunable Photodetectors based on 2D materials: A case study of MoS2 monolayers — •Mohammad Bahmani, Mahdi Ghorbani-Asl, and Thomas Frauenheim
18:15 |
O 47.13 |
Modulation of the excitonic behaviour of MoS2 on gold electrodes with external potential: a sum frequency spectroscopy study — •Tao Yang, Erik Pollmann, Marika Schleberger, Yujin Tong, and Richard Kramer Campen
18:15 |
O 47.14 |
Hot electron dynamics in Stanene/Au(111) — •Marten Düvel, Germaine Arend, Daniel Franz Walter Marx, Jan Philipp Bange, Jonas Fredrik Pöhls, Marco Merboldt, Mahalingam Maniraj, Daniel Steil, Marcel Reutzel, Sabine Steil, and Stefan Mathias
18:15 |
O 47.15 |
Metal insulator transition studied with transport on H on epitaxial graphene — •Diana Slawig, Markus Gruschwitz, and Christoph Tegenkamp