18:15 |
O 49.1 |
Sum frequency spectroscopy of o-, m- and p-Methylbenzylphos-phonic acid on α-aluminium oxide — •Tim Lämmerzahl, Matthias Linke, Damian Firla, and Eckart Hasselbrink
18:15 |
O 49.2 |
Single-molecule vibrational progression on two-dimensional materials — •Alexander Mehler, Nicolas Néel, Johannes Halle, Marie-Laure Bocquet, and Jörg Kröger
18:15 |
O 49.3 |
Site selective adsorption and spin state locking of the spin crossover complex Fe(phen)2(NCS)2 on Au(111) — Sumit Beniwal, •Suchetana Sarkar, Felix Baier, Peter A. Dowben, and Axel Enders
18:15 |
O 49.4 |
Decoupled or not decoupled? Investigation of charged organic molecules on a 2D insulator — •Maximilian Schaal, Iliyan Karadzhov, Marco Gruenewald, Felix Otto, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:15 |
O 49.5 |
DMEP-Ovalene as Precursor-Molecule for Nanographen on H:Si(100) — •Alexander Kölker, Leonid Shupletsov, Takashi Kumagai, Martin Wolf und Matthias Koch
18:15 |
O 49.6 |
Adsorption and Electronic Properties of N-Heteropolycycles on Metal Surfaces — •Felix Landwehr, Mohsen Ajdari, Marvin Hoffmann, Hilmar Reiss, Hendrik Hoffmann, Uwe H. F. Bunz, Andreas Dreuw, and Petra Tegeder
18:15 |
O 49.7 |
Application of multi-photon PEEM to a biological system: Geobacter sulfurreducens — •Franz Niklas Knoop, Hilke Sophie Wichmann, Gerhard Lilienkamp, and Winfried Daum
18:15 |
O 49.8 |
First Principles Studies of Electrical Conductance and Thermopower Properties of π-Conjugated Organometallic Complexes in Single Molecule Junctions — •Jannis Jung, Tatsuhiko Ohto, Hirokazu Tada, and Doreen Mollenhauer
18:15 |
O 49.9 |
Surface spectroscopy of functionalized Si(001) surfaces — •Stefano Mazzei, Valérie Véniard, and Christine Giorgetti
18:15 |
O 49.10 |
Molecular chain formation at surfaces: PEEB/Au(111) - A High-throughput Study — •Lokamani Lokamani, Jeffrey Kelling, Jörg Meyer, Anja Nickel, Robin Ohmann, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Jannic Wolf, Thomas Huhn, Peter Zahn, Francesca Moresco, and Sibylle Gemming