Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 51: Poster Session - Metal Substrates: Adsorption and Reaction of Small Molecules
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P2/1OG
18:15 |
O 51.1 |
Electronic Structure of a Highly Ordered B3N3-Doped Nanographene Monolayer on Au(111) — •Axel Belser, Katharina Greulich, Holger F. Bettinger, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé
18:15 |
O 51.2 |
probing water overlayer on Pt(111) by noncontact atomic force microscopy — •Sifan You, Jing Guo, Duanyun Cao, Ji Chen, Xinzheng Li, Limei Xu, Enge Wang, and Ying Jiang
18:15 |
O 51.3 |
Fusion of alkyl groups to form phenyl rings: a new on-surface reaction — •Amogh Kinikar, Marco Di Giovannantonio, Josè Ignacio Urgel, Kristjan Eimre, Carlo Pignedoli, Xiao-Ye Wang, Zijie Qiu, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen, Pascal Ruffieux, and Roman Fasel