18:15 |
O 52.1 |
Design of an electron beam ion source for experiments with ultrafast timing resolution using SIMION simulations — •Johanna Fries, Anna Niggas, Gabriel L. Szabo, and Richard A. Wilhelm
18:15 |
O 52.2 |
Design of an ultrafast THz-STM — •Nils Bogdanoff, Sergey Trishin, Christian Lotze, Katharina J. Franke, and Tobias Kampfrath
18:15 |
O 52.3 |
Low Energy Positron Beam for Near-Surface Doppler-Broadening Spectroscopy — •Lucian Anton Joshua Mathes, Sebastian Vohburger, Vassily Vadimovitch Burwitz, and Christoph Pascal Hugenschmidt
18:15 |
O 52.4 |
Heat of Adsorption on Single Crystals: Microcalorimetry — •Ann-Katrin Baumann and Swetlana Schauermann
18:15 |
O 52.5 |
Temperature measurement by a pyrometer: Determination of the emissivity coefficient and influencing factors — •Robert Decke, Mate Puljiz, and Mathias Getzlaff
18:15 |
O 52.6 |
Towards a high-intensity ion source for preparative mass spectrometry — •Paul Fremdling, Laurent Bernier, Loukas Kyriakidis, Julius Reiss, and Stephan Rauschenbach
18:15 |
O 52.7 |
Femtosecond point-projection microscopy and holography – electron source coherence and spatial resolution — Faruk Krečinić and •Ralph Ernstorfer
18:15 |
O 52.8 |
New 100-kHz User Beamline Based on High-Harmonic Generation for Time-Resolved Photoemission — •Charlotte E. Sanders, Yu Zhang, Adam S. Wyatt, Gabriel Karras, Richard T. Chapman, Gregory M. Greetham, Michael Towrie, and Emma Springate
18:15 |
O 52.9 |
Extracting Protein Collision Cross Sections (CCSs) from Pre-Fourier Transform Mass Spectrum Transients — •Dhiren De Silva, Paul Fremdling, Tim Esser, Joseph Gault, and Stephan Rauschenbach
18:15 |
O 52.10 |
Selective Preparation of Electron Micrsocopy grids via Native Electrospray Ion-Beam Deposition — •Sam Britton, Tim Esser, Paul Fremdling, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Dhiren De Silva
18:15 |
O 52.11 |
Following the motion of a charged conducting sphere by electrostatic induction in a parallel plate capacitor — Mirco Kaponig, •Andre Mölleken, Doris Tarasevitch, Detlef Utzat, Hermann Nienhaus, and Rolf Möller
18:15 |
O 52.12 |
Statistical evaluation of the switching current in a STM Josephson junction — •Martina Trahms, Rika Simon, Nils Bogdanoff, Olof Peters, Gaël Reecht, Clemens B. Winkelmann, and Katharina J. Franke