Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 53: Poster Session - Oxides and Insulators: Adsorption and Reaction of Small Molecules
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P2/1OG
18:15 |
O 53.1 |
Investigation of Proton Conductivity in Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy — •Lars-Erik Maurer, Erdogan Celik, and Matthias T. Elm
18:15 |
O 53.2 |
IRRAS study of CO adsorption on the calcite (10.4) surface — Weijia Wang, •Alexei Nefedov, Stefan Heissler, Yuemin Wang, and Christof Woell
18:15 |
O 53.3 |
LEED Analysis of CO on NaCl(100) under Optical Excitation — •Liam Shelling Neto, Hannes Böckmann-Clemens, and Claus Ropers
18:15 |
O 53.4 |
Quantitative LEED studies of acetylene physisorbed on ionic surfaces – significance of electron scattering from hydrogen — •Jochen Vogt
18:15 |
O 53.5 |
Theoretical characterization of the surface and adsorption properties of water on titanium dioxide surfaces — •Holger-Dietrich Saßnick, Sebastien Groh, Joachim Dzubiella, and Victor G. Ruiz