18:15 |
O 58.1 |
Photoinduced charge carrier dynamics and electron injection efficiencies in Au nanoparticle-sensitized TiO2 determined with picosecond time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy — Mario Borgwardt, Johannes Mahl, •Friedrich Roth, Lukas Wenthaus, Felix Brausse, Monika Blum, Klaus Schwarzburg, Guiji Liu, Francesca M. Toma, Wolfgang Eberhardt, and Oliver Gessner
18:15 |
O 58.2 |
Time resolved ARPES using femtosecond extreme ultraviolet laser pulses at 1 MHz repetition rate — •Jan Philipp Bange, Germaine Arend, Marten Düvel, Christina Möller, Marco Merboldt, Marcel Reutzel, Matthijs Jansen, Sabine Steil, Daniel Steil, and Stefan Mathias
18:15 |
O 58.3 |
Femtosecond time-resolved momentum microscopy on Graphene — •David Schmitt, Marius Keunecke, Christina Möller, Hendrik Nolte, Wiebke Bennecke, Davood Momeni Pakdehi, Klaus Pierz, Hans Werner Schumacher, Matthijs Jansen, Marcel Reutzel, Daniel Steil, Sabine Steil, and Stefan Mathias
18:15 |
O 58.4 |
Ultrafast electronic heating and interband dynamics in bulk 1T-VSe2 — •Paulina Majchrzak, Deepnarayan Biswas, Alfred Jones, Klara Volckaert, Charlotte Sanders, Igor Marković, Byoung Ki Choi, Federico Andreatta, Raman Sankar, Yu Zhang, Gabriel Karras, Richard Chapman, Adam Wyatt, Emma Springate, Jill Miwa, Philip Hofmann, Phil King, Young Jun Chang, and Søren Ulstrup
18:15 |
O 58.5 |
Determining the orientation of transition dipoles of direct and indirect optical transitions in metals — •Tobias Eul, Michael Hartelt, Eva Prinz, Benjamin Frisch, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
18:15 |
O 58.6 |
Towards realtime analysis of charge transport using a THz-pump photoemission-probe experiment — •Hamed Abbasi, Ping Zhou, Martin Mittendorff, and Uwe Bovensiepen
18:15 |
O 58.7 |
Electron-Phonon Coupling in Metals at Elevated Temperatures. — •Tobias Held, Sebastian T. Weber, Jan Vorberger, and Baerbel Rethfeld
18:15 |
O 58.8 |
Simulation of spatially resolved CDW dynamics — •Kurt Lichtenberg, Mohamad Abdo, Shaoxiang Sheng, Luigi Malavolti, and Sebastian Loth