10:30 |
O 63.1 |
Molecular Nanotribology: Nanomanipulation & Dynamics of Single-Molecules at Surfaces. — •J.G. Vilhena, Remy Pawlak, Philipp D'Astolfo, Shi-Xia Liu, Silvio Decurtins, Justin A. Lemkul, Giacomo Prampolini, Thilo Glatzel, Alexis Baratoff, Rúben Pérez, and Ernst Meyer
10:45 |
O 63.2 |
The art of molecular manipulation with the scanning tunneling microscope: controlled rotations — •Nicolas Lorente
11:15 |
O 63.3 |
Functional molecular arrays constructed through the manipulation of single molecules at room temperature — •Chao Li, Li Wang, and Richard Berndt
11:30 |
O 63.4 |
LT-STM investigation of transmitting rotation between molecular gears on Au(111) — •Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Tim Kühne, Frank Eisenhut, Michael Kleinwächter, Yohan Gisbert, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Claire Kammerer, Gwénaël Rapenne, and Francesca Moresco
11:45 |
O 63.5 |
The role of the dipole moment in electric field induced manipulation of molecules and nanostructures — •Tim Kühne, Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Frank Eisenhut, Oumaima Aiboudi, Dmitry Ryndyk, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Brigitte Voit, Franziska Lissel, and Francesca Moresco
12:00 |
O 63.6 |
Mechanical transmission of rotational motion between molecular-scale gears — •Huang-Hsiang Lin, Alexander Croy, Rafael Gutiérrez, Christian Joachim, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:15 |
O 63.7 |
Rotation and translation of molecular motors on a metallic surface — •Monika Schied, Peter Jacobson, Dongdong Liu, James M. Tour, and Leonhard Grill
12:30 |
O 63.8 |
Weakly-bound supramolecular structures: calculations for understanding experiments with the scanning tunneling microscope — •Roberto Robles, Vladimír Zobač, Kwan Ho Au Yeung, Francesca Moresco, Dmitry Ryndyk, Christian Joachim, and Nicolás Lorente
12:45 |
O 63.9 |
Bending and twisting of C-C bonds by mechanical lifting of surface-adsorbed polymers — •Philipp D'Astolfo, Guilherme de Vilhena, Carl Drechsel, Xunshan Liu, Silvio Decurtins, Shi-Xia Liu, Rémy Pawlak, and Ernst Meyer
13:00 |
O 63.10 |
DFTB based computational approach to STM imaging, spectroscopy and manipulation of single molecules — Seddigheh Nikipar, •Dmitry Ryndyk, Sibylle Gemming, Francesca Moresco, Thomas Frauenheim, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
13:15 |
O 63.11 |
Controlling orientation, rotation, and translation of a single molecule by STM via an internal electrical dipole — •Grant J Simpson, Víctor García-López, A Daniel Boese, James M Tour, and Leonhard Grill
13:30 |
O 63.12 |
Characterizing Tip-Induced Motion and 3D Adsorption Conformations of Terphenyl Derivates on Metal Surfaces — •Qigang Zhong, Daniel Ebeling, Jalmar Tschakert, Shixuan Du, Doreen Mollenhauer, Hermann A. Wegner, Lifeng Chi, and Andre Schirmeisen