Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 69: Tribology: Surfaces and Nanostructures (joint session O/CPP)
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 15:00–16:00, GER 37
15:00 |
O 69.1 |
Effect of Environment on Microstructure Evolution and Frictional Behavior of Au-Ni Multilayers — •Ebru Cihan, Heike Störmer, Katherine Jungjohann, Nicolas Argibay, Michael Chandross, and Martin Dienwiebel
15:15 |
O 69.2 |
Tuning the friction properties of reconstructed KBr on Ir(111) by intercalating a monolayer of graphene — Zhao Liu, Antoine Hinaut, Thilo Glatzel, Sebastian Scherb, Junyan Zhang, and •Ernst Meyer
15:30 |
O 69.3 |
Stick-slip and surface rippling in plastic and abrasive wear on the nanoscale — •Enrico Gnecco, Jana Hennig, and Juan Mazo
15:45 |
O 69.4 |
Temperature Scaling of Contact Aging Rates on Amorphous Silica Surfaces — Matthias Vorholzer, J. Guilherme Vilhena, Ruben Perez, Enrico Gnecco, •Dirk Dietzel, and Andre Schirmeisen