15:00 |
O 71.1 |
Detection of strong interaction between electrons and antiferromagnetic magnons in Ba1−xKxMn2As2 — Tianlun Yu, Rui Peng, Guanghan Cao, •Haichao Xu, and Donglai Feng
15:30 |
O 71.2 |
Computation of photoelectron matrix elements for angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy from first principles — •Ji Hoon Ryoo and Cheol-Hwan Park
15:45 |
O 71.3 |
The one-step model of time-dependent photoemission combined with time-dependent density functional theory — •Jürgen Braun, Sergiy Mankovsky, and Hubert Ebert
16:00 |
O 71.4 |
Co on W(110): Spin-dependent interface effects in the electronic structure — •Marcel Holtmann, Pascal J. Grenz, Eike F. Schwier, Shiv Kumar, Koji Miyamoto, and Markus Donath
16:15 |
O 71.5 |
Fermi Surface Tomography of Palladium via Momentum Microscopy — •Xin Liang Tan, Kenta Hagiwara, Ying-Jiun Chen, Jakub Schusser, Vitaliy Feyer, Jan Minar, Claus M. Schneider, and Christian Tusche
16:30 |
O 71.6 |
Orbital imaging: Sparsity-driven phase retrieval of angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data — •Matthijs Jansen, Marius Keunecke, Marten Düvel, Christina Möller, David Schmitt, Wiebke Bennecke, Jasmin Kappert, Daniel Steil, Russell Luke, Sabine Steil, and Stefan Mathias
16:45 |
O 71.7 |
Hard X-ray Valence-Band Mapping and Photoelectron Diffraction on InGaMnAs Thin Films — •K. Medjanik, A. Winkelmann, O. Yastrubchak, J. Sadowski, L. Gluba, D. Vasilyev, S. Babenkov, S. Chernov, O. Fedchenko, H.J. Elmers, and G. Schönhense
17:00 |
O 71.8 |
Surface electronic structure of Te on Ag(111) and Cu(111) — •Begmuhammet Geldiyev, Jonas Hauner, Janek Rieger, M. Alexander Schneider, and Thomas Fauster
17:15 |
O 71.9 |
Double photoemission spectroscopy of SrTiO3(001) using a high-order harmonics light source — •Robin Kamrla, Cheng-Tien Chiang, Andreas Trützschler, Michael Huth, Frank Oliver Schumann, and Wolf Widdra