Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 72: Scanning Probe Techniques I: STM-ESR and Method Development (joint session O/CPP)
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 15:00–17:30, TRE Ma
15:00 |
O 72.1 |
Dynamics in spin excitation spectroscopy measurements — •Luigi Malavolti, Max Hänze, Gregory McMurtrie, and Sebastian Loth
15:15 |
O 72.2 |
Electron paramagnetic resonance of single Ti and Fe atoms with an out-of-plane magnetic field probed by STM — •Tom S. Seifert, Stepan Kovarik, Dominik Juraschek, Nicola A. Spaldin, Sebastian Stepanow, and Pietro Gambardella
15:30 |
O 72.3 |
Electron spin resonance of an individual atom at mK temperature in a vector magnetic field — •Manuel Steinbrecher, Werner v. Weerdenburg, Jan W. Gerritsen, Niels v. Mullekom, Fabian D. Natterer, and Alexander A. Khajetoorians
15:45 |
O 72.4 |
Electron spin resonance in scanning tunneling microscopy — •Andreas Heinrich
16:00 |
O 72.5 |
Transfer Function Compensation for High Frequency Radiation into an STM Tunnel Junction — •Maximilian Uhl, Piotr Kot, Robert Drost, and Christian R. Ast
16:15 |
O 72.6 |
Hyperfine fields of magnetic adatoms on ultrathin insulating films — •Sufyan Shehada, Manuel dos Santos Dias, Filipe Souza Mendes Guimarães, and Samir Lounis
16:30 |
O 72.7 |
Mapping the perturbation potential of metallic and dipolar tips in tunneling spectroscopy on MoS2 — •Christian Lotze, Nils Krane, Gaël Reecht, Nils Bogdanoff, and Katharina J. Franke
16:45 |
O 72.8 |
Fast quasiparticle interference mapping through traveling salesperson and sparse sampling optimization — •Jens Oppliger and Fabian D. Natterer
17:00 |
O 72.9 |
Development of a Variable-Temperature High-Speed Scanning Tunneling Microscope — •Zechao Yang, Leonard Gura, Jens Hartmann, Heinz Junkes, William Kirstädter, Patrik Marschalik, Markus Heyde, and Hans-Joachim Freund
17:15 |
O 72.10 |
Integrated Electrodes in H:Si(001) for Scanning Gate Microscopy — •Matthias Koch, Alex Kölker, Leonid Shupletsov, Takashi Kumagai, and Martin Wolf