15:00 |
O 73.1 |
Comparison of the adsorptions of ethanol and azobenzene molecules on single-layer hexagonal boron nitride on Rh(111) — •Krisztián Palotás, Arnold Farkas, Ádám Szitás, Dániel Jurdi, Richárd Gubó, Tibor Pásztor, László Óvári, János Kiss, András Berkó, and Zoltán Kónya
15:15 |
O 73.2 |
Boron-doping Induced States in Single Graphene Nanoribbons Probed in Transport Measurements — •Niklas Friedrich, Pedro Brandimarte, Jingcheng Li, Thomas Frederiksen, Aran Garcia-Lekue, Daniel Sánchez-Portal, and J.I. Pascual
15:30 |
O 73.3 |
1.*Real-space investigation of the influence of polar species on ice structure — •Karina Morgenstern
16:00 |
O 73.4 |
STM Investigation on Structural Transformation of Terphenylthiol Self-Assembled Monolayers Induced by Electron Irradiation — •Patrick Stohmann, Sascha Koch, Yang Yang, Christopher David Kaiser, Xianghui Zhang, and Armin Gölzhäuser
16:15 |
O 73.5 |
Solvation of Large Organic Molecules in Two Dimensions - Imaging Single Cage Precursor Molecules in Chloroform Supported on Ag(111) — •Marvin Quack, Karina Morgenstern, Haeri Lee, and Guido Clever
16:30 |
O 73.6 |
Pentamers-like molecules forming a self-assembled monolayer onto a FCC(111) surface: a theoretical study — •Eduardo Cisternas, Gonzalo dos Santos, Marcos Flores, Eugenio Vogel, and Antonio Ramírez-Pastor
16:45 |
O 73.7 |
Polymorphism of 6,13-Pentacenequinone on Ag(111) in the monolayer regime — •Jari Domke, Falko Sojka, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
17:00 |
O 73.8 |
Self-assembly, metalation and oxidation of a novel macrocyclic compound on Ag(111) — •Felix Haag, Peter Deimel, Raphael Lauenstein, Manuel Kaspar, Johannes Barth, Corinna Hess, and Francesco Allegretti
17:15 |
O 73.9 |
2D molecular Self-assembly of C8-BTBT on metallic surfaces — •Sebastian Becker, Lu Lyu, Sina Mousavion, Maniraj Mahalingam, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
17:30 |
O 73.10 |
Adsorption Behaviour of Benzohydroxamic Acid on TiO2(110) — •Julia Köbl, Elmar Kataev, Daniel Wechsler, Lisa-Marie Augustin, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Ole Lytken
17:45 |
O 73.11 |
Molecular arrangement discloses intermolecular interactions: The case of 1D structure formed by 3-hydroxybenzoic acid on calcite(10.4) — •Maximilian Vogtland, Christoph Schiel, Jonas Staude, Julia Neff, Hagen Söngen, Philipp Maass, Ralf Bechstein, and Angelika Kühnle
18:00 |
O 73.12 |
Multi-method study of trans-DBPen on coinage metal (111)-surfaces — •Felix Otto, Maximilian Schaal, Tobias Huempfner, Falko Sojka, Marco Gruenewald, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz