15:00 |
O 74.1 |
Imaging the phase transition in thin film VO2 microstructures — •Jan O. Schunck, Florian Döring, Benedikt Rösner, Jens Buck, Sanjoy Mahatha, Moritz Hoesch, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Adrian Petraru, Hermann Kohlstedt, Kai Rossnagel, Christian David, and Martin Beye
15:15 |
O 74.2 |
investigation of Fe(CO)5 as precursor for gas-assisted electron beam lithography techniques on cobalt oxide surfaces — •Elif Bilgilisoy, Christian Preischl, Rachel Thorman, Howard Fairbrother, and Hubertus Marbach
15:30 |
O 74.3 |
Interaction of topological boundary states in graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions — •Qiang Sun, Oliver Gröning, Xuelin Yao, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen, Pascal Ruffieux, and Roman Fasel
15:45 |
O 74.4 |
Determination of Carbon Nanomembrane Diffusion Coefficients via radioactive tracer experiments — Raphael Dalpke, Anna Dreyer, •Riko Korzetz, André Beyer, Karl-Josef Dietz, and Armin Gölzhäuser
16:00 |
O 74.5 |
The electronic structure of atomically-precise graphene nano-ribbons investigated by photoemission tomography — Lukas Reicht, Xiaosheng Yang, Larissa Egger, Philipp Hurdax, Francois C. Bocquet, Georg Koller, Petra Tegeder, Alexander Gottwald, Mathias Richter, Michael G. Ramsey, F. Stefan Tautz, Serguei Soubatch, and •Peter Puschnig
16:15 |
O 74.6 |
Tuning electronic transport of 1D coordination polymers by the choice of the transition metal: Fe, Co and Ni — •Aleš Cahlík, Christian Wäckerlin, Santhini Vijai Meena, Oleksander Stetsovych, Jesus Mendieta, Pingo Mutombo, Simon Pascal, Olivier Siri, and Pavel Jelínek
16:30 |
O 74.7 |
Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanofiber Composites as Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries — •Mo Sha, Long Liu, Huaping Zhao, and Yong Lei
16:45 |
O 74.8 |
Ultra Large Lifting Installations (ULLIS) on HOPG — •Tristan J. Keller, Georgiy Poluektov, Anna Jochemich, Anna Krönert, Stefan-Sven Jester, and Sigurd Höger
17:00 |
O 74.9 |
Atomic-scale mechanical evidence of surface-catalyzed gold-carbon covalent bonding — •Benjamin Lowe, Jack Hellerstedt, Dhaneesh Kumar, and Agustin Schiffrin
17:15 |
O 74.10 |
Methyl and Vinyl Functional Groups in On-Surface Synthesis — •Marco Di Giovannantonio, José I. Urgel, Shantanu Mishra, Kristjan Eimre, Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Pascal Ruffieux, Uliana Beser, Qiang Chen, Zijie Qiu, Akimitsu Narita, Klaus Müllen, and Roman Fasel