Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 75: Metal Substrates: Growth Studies
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 15:00–17:00, WIL C107
15:00 |
O 75.1 |
Growth studies of the potential Rashba surface alloy Tl on Ag(111) — •Patrick Härtl and Matthias Bode
15:15 |
O 75.2 |
Submonolayer growth of Te on Cu(111) — •Tilman Kißlinger, Andreas Raabgrund, Maximilian Ammon, M. Alexander Schneider, and Lutz Hammer
15:30 |
O 75.3 |
STM investigations of Bi thin films on oxidized and clean Nb(110) — •Robin Boshuis, Artem B. Odobesko, Johannes Jung, and Matthias Bode
15:45 |
O 75.4 |
Investigation of the lithium fluoride growth on the silver (100) surface — •Vladyslav Romankov and Jan Dreiser
16:00 |
O 75.5 |
Investigation of the stability of bimetallic surface alloys: A kinetic Monte Carlo study — •David Mahlberg and Axel Groß
16:15 |
O 75.6 |
The contribution has been moved to O 31.8.
16:30 |
O 75.7 |
Epitaxy on (quasi-)liquid surfaces: A new paradigm for 2D materials growth? — •Dominik Steiner, Thomas Mairegger, and Erminald Bertel
16:45 |
O 75.8 |
Reaction of Na/Br-carbenoid on NaBr surface investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy — •abhijit bera, katharina dilchert, viktoria däschlein gessner, and karina morgenstern