Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 87: Poster Session - Nanostructures at Surfaces: 1D and 2D Structures and Networks
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P2/1OG
18:15 |
O 87.1 |
Confinement and Tailoring of Surface 2DEGs in Temperature-driven Molecular Nano-porous Network — •Lu Lyu, Benito Arnoldi, Jin Xiao, Sina Mousavion, Johannes Stöckl, Maniraj Mahalingam, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:15 |
O 87.2 |
Modeling of molecular stripe formation on insulating surfaces — •Christoph Schiel, Maximilian Vogtland, Ralf Bechstein, Angelika Kühnle, and Philipp Maass
18:15 |
O 87.3 |
Epitaxial growth of Bi on epitaxial graphene — •Chitran Ghosal, Johannes Aprojanz, and Christoph Tegenkamp
18:15 |
O 87.4 |
Coupling of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states on 2H-NbSe2 — •Eva Liebhaber, Lisa Rütten, Gaël Reecht, Kai Rossnagel, Felix von Oppen, and Katharina J. Franke
18:15 |
O 87.5 |
Coadsorption of shape-persistent macrocycles and fullerene derivatives on graphite: Lithography with the STM tip — •Joshua Bahr, Annemarie Meyer, Tristan J. Keller, Sigurd Höger, and Stefan-Sven Jester
18:15 |
O 87.6 |
Isomorphic packing of carboxylic acid terminated arylene-alkynylenes and monodisperse oligomers on graphite — •David A. Hofmeister, Lucas Rothe, Tristan J. Keller, Sigurd Höger, and Stefan-S. Jester
18:15 |
O 87.7 |
Electronic and magnetic structure of oriented sandwich-molecular wires on graphene/Ir(110) — •Stefan Kraus, Alexander Herman, Felix Huttmann, Ken Bischof, Nico Rothenbach, Katharina Ollefs, Marco Bianchi, Raluca-Maria Stan, Ann Julie Holt, Jan Dreiser, Shigeru Tsukamoto, Nicolae Atodiresei, Philip Hofmann, Heiko Wende, and Thomas Michely
18:15 |
O 87.8 |
Thermal- vs. Light-Induced on-Surface Polymerization — •Christophe Nacci and Leonhard Grill