Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 92: Poster Session - Ultrafast Electron Dynamics at Surface and Interfaces II
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 18:15–20:00, P2/1OG
18:15 |
O 92.1 |
Electronic energy transfer during scattering of H+/Al(111) studied with TDDFT-MD and adiabatic GGA — •Lukas Deuchler and Eckhard Pehlke
18:15 |
O 92.2 |
Describing the electronic nonequilibrium after ultrashort laser excitation — •Markus Uehlein, Sebastian T. Weber, and Baerbel Rethfeld
18:15 |
O 92.3 |
Dual-channel laser system with gap-less tuning from 250 - 1300 nm at megahertz repetition rates for time-resolved photoelectron-emission microscopy and spectroscopy — •Michael Schulz, Gregor Indorf, Ivanka Grguras, Jan-Heye Buss, Torsten Golz, Mark Prandolini, and Robert Riedel
18:15 |
O 92.4 |
Implementation of a bichromatic beamline for time-resolved two-photon momentum microscopy — •Martin Mitkov, Ralf Hemm, Florian Haag, Sebastian Emmerich, Sebastian Hedwig, Martin Aeschlimann, and Benjamin Stadtmüller
18:15 |
O 92.5 |
Energy and momentum streaking in subcycle THz-ARPES — •Jens Güdde, Johannes Reimann, Suguru Ito, Stefan Schlauderer, Christoph Schmid, Christoph Lange, Rupert Huber, and Ulrich Höfer
18:15 |
O 92.6 |
Localized linear photoemission from a cold field emitter — •Alexander Schröder, Jelto Jordan, Nora Bach, Christopher Rathje, and Sascha Schäfer
18:15 |
O 92.7 |
Momentum Microscope vs. Hemispherical analyzer - a quantitative comparison of electron analyzer performance for time-resolved ARPES experiments — Julian Maklar, Tommaso Pincelli, Samuel Beaulieu, Shuo Dong, Maciej Dendzik, Martin Wolf, Ralph Ernstorfer, and •Laurenz Rettig
18:15 |
O 92.8 |
Observation of electron excitation dynamics by time-resolved two-photon momentum microscopy based lifetime analysis — •Lars Pidde, Florian Haag, Tobias Eul, Eva Walther, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann