Dresden 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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O 98: Graphene I: Growth, Structure and Substrate Interaction (joint session O/TT)
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 10:30–12:00, GER 37
10:30 |
O 98.1 |
Design principles for doping graphene for electrochemical CO2 reduction: Insights from Theory — •Sudarshan Vijay, Joseph Gauthier, Hendrik Heenen, Vanessa Bukas, Henrik Kristoffersen, and Karen Chan
10:45 |
O 98.2 |
Graphene/S/Ru(0001): a model system for studying intercalation — •Lars Buß, Jens Falta, Moritz Ewert, Polina Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, and Jan Ingo Flege
11:00 |
O 98.3 |
Au intercalation under epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001): the role of graphene edges — •Sebastian Günther, Tevfik Onur Mentes, Robert Reichelt, Elisa Minussi, Benito Santos, Alessandro Baraldi, and Andrea Locatelli
11:15 |
O 98.4 |
Covalent functionalization of epitaxial graphene on cubic-SiC(001) — •Dmitrii Potorochin, Olga Molodtsova, Victor Aristov, Alexander Chaika, Maxim Rabchinskii, Marina Baidakova, Nikolai Ulin, Pavel Brunkov, Dmitry Marchenko, and Serguei Molodtsov
11:30 |
O 98.5 |
Controlled formation of nanobubbles in graphene — •Pin-Cheng Lin, Renan Villarreal, Harsh Bana, Ken Verguts, Steven Brems, Stephen de Gendt, Manuel Auge, Felix Junge, Hans Hofsäss, Hossein Ghorbanfekr, M Fallh, François Peeters, Mehdi Neek-Amal, Chris Van Haesendonck, and Lino da Costa Pereira
11:45 |
O 98.6 |
Simulating the scattering of a hydrogen atom from graphene using a high-dimensional neural network potential. — •Sebastian Wille, Marvin Kammler, Martín L. Paleico, Jörg Behler, Alec M. Wodtke, and Alexander Kandratsenka