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SOE 10: Data Analytics, Extreme Events, Nonlinear Stochastic Systems, and Networks (joint session DY/SOE)
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 15:00–17:30, ZEU 118
15:00 |
SOE 10.1 |
I want it all and I want it now! — •Alexander K. Hartmann
15:30 |
SOE 10.2 |
Constructing accurate and data-efficient molecular force-fields with machine learning — •Igor Poltavskyi, Grégory Fonseca, Valentin Vassilev-Galindo, and Alexandre Tkatchenko
15:45 |
SOE 10.3 |
Interpretable Embeddings from Molecular Simulations Using Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders — •Yasemin Bozkurt Varolgunes, Tristan Bereau, and Joseph F. Rudzinski
16:00 |
SOE 10.4 |
The entropy of the longest increasing subsequences: typical and extreme sequences — Phil Krabbe, •Hendrik Schawe, and Alexander K. Hartmann
16:15 |
15 min. break.
16:30 |
SOE 10.5 |
Large-deviation simulation of height distribution for the KPZ equation: dependence on initial conditions and morphologie of extreme configurations — •Alexander K. Hartmann, Pierre Le Doussal, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Baruch Meerson, and Pavel Sasorov
16:45 |
SOE 10.6 |
Machine Learning on temperature fluctuations in health and disease — •Jens Karschau, Sona Michlíková, Daniel Kotik, Sebastian Starke, Steffen Löck, and Damian McLeod
17:00 |
SOE 10.7 |
Using data crawling and flexible semantic data models to enable sustainable research data management — •Alexander Schlemmer, Ulrich Parlitz, and Stefan Luther
17:15 |
SOE 10.8 |
Non-Markovian barrier crossing with two-time-scale memory is dominated by the faster memory component — •Julian Kappler, Victor B. Hinrichsen, and Roland R. Netz