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SYCE: Symposium Climate and energy: Challenges and options from a physics perspective
SYCE 1: Climate and Energy: challenges and options from a physics perspective
SYCE 1.4: Hauptvortrag
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 11:15–11:45, HSZ 02
A carbon-free Energy System in 2050: Modelling the Energy Transition — •Christoph Kost, Philip Sterchele, and Hans-Martin Henning — Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg, Germany
By 2050, Germany has committed to aim a carbon-free energy system under the Paris Agreement. This transition of the energy system from the 2020-system still based on high shares of fossil fuels to a system with zero carbon emissions from fossil fuels will completely change the energy world in Germany, in the power sector, building and industry sector, as well as in the transport sector. Modeling and analyzing this transition with the powerful tool for the German energy sector REMod creates insights how this challenging transformation can be carried out in the short-, medium and long-term by 2050. The model results show huge degradants for exchanges of technologies and applications in all four sectors.