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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 13: Graphene (joint session TT/DY/HL)
TT 13.8: Vortrag
Montag, 16. März 2020, 17:00–17:15, HSZ 201
Gate-controllable graphene superlattices: Numerical aspects — •Szu-Chao Chen, Wun-Hao Kang, and Ming-Hao Liu — Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
We study transport properties of gate-controllable graphene superlattices by performing quantum transport simulations based on the scalable tight-binding model and calculations of miniband structures within the continuum method [1]. Good agreement between transport simulations and the corresponding miniband structures confirms the reliability of our calculations for electrostatic superlattices in graphene. Combined with realistic potential profiles obtained from finite-element-based electrostatic simulations, our transport simulations agree well with recent transport experiments for gate-controllable square superlattices. This work therefore paves the way toward exploring gate-controllable graphene superlattices of arbitrary lattices, such as honeycomb or Lieb.
[1] S.-C. Chen et al., arXiv:1907.03288 (2019).