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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 14: Superconductivity: Theory 1
TT 14.5: Vortrag
Montag, 16. März 2020, 16:15–16:30, HSZ 204
Full-bandwidth Eliashberg theory of superconductivity beyond Migdal’s approximation — •Fabian Schrodi, Alex Aperis, and Peter M. Oppeneer — Department for Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University
We solve the anisotropic, full-bandwidth and non-adiabatic Eliashberg equations for electron-phonon mediated superconductivity by fully including the first vertex correction in the electronic self-energy. The non-adiabatic equations are solved numerically here without further approximations, for a one-band model system. We compare the results to those that we obtain by adiabatic full-bandwidth, as well as Fermi-surface restricted Eliashberg-theory calculations. We find that non-adiabatic contributions to the superconducting gap can be positive, negative or negligible, depending on the dimensionality of the considered system, the degree of non-adiabaticity, and the coupling strength. We further examine non-adiabatic effects on the transition temperature and the electron-phonon coupling constant. Our treatment opens a pathway to systematically study vertex correction effects in systems such as high-Tc, flat band and low-carrier density superconductors.
[1] arXiv:1911.12872.