
Dresden 2020 – scientific programme

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 14: Superconductivity: Theory 1

TT 14.8: Talk

Monday, March 16, 2020, 17:15–17:30, HSZ 204

Triplet superconductivity in the frustrated Mott insulator Sn/Si(111)Sebastian Wolf and •Stephan Rachel — School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia

Two-dimensional atom lattices on semiconductor substrates have been established as tailored realizations of the extended Hubbard model. They feature charge ordered and antiferromagnetic ground states. Most recently, the onset of superconductivity at 4.3 K has been reported in the hole-doped triangular lattice of tin atoms on a silicon substrate. Here we investigate the nature of the superconducting instability in hole-doped Sn/Si(111) by virtue of the weak-coupling renormalization group. While hexagonal lattices are known to prefer chiral d-wave pairing for their unconventional superconducting ground state, this is not the case for the particular band structure of Sn/Si(111) leading to a competition of the chiral d-wave and spin-triplet pairings. We show that – by taking into account non-local Coulomb interactions – the chiral d-wave is strongly suppressed resulting in odd-parity f-wave pairing for moderate hole-doping. For stronger hole-doping around 10%, as feasible in current experiments, the archetypal chiral p-wave superconductor is stabilized.

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