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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 21: Topological Semimetals 1
TT 21.11: Vortrag
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 12:15–12:30, HSZ 103
Correlated phases from a three-dimensional pseudo-Landau flat band in a nodal-line semimetal — •Alexander Lau1, Dmitry Pikulin2, and Timo Hyart1 — 1International Research Centre MagTop, Warsaw, Poland — 2Microsoft Station Q, Santa Barbara, USA
Nodal-line semimetals are a class of three-dimensional topological semimetals featuring two-fold degenerate band-crossing points that form closed loops in the Brillouin zone of the material. Based on an effective low-energy theory, we show how strain can be used to induce a set of three-dimensional pseudo-Landau levels in nodal-line semimetals. In particular, the zeroth Landau level realizes a three-dimensional flat band which gives rise to strong electron-electron interactions. We study magnetic and superconducting phases arising in this setup and discuss differences to similar phases in two dimensions.