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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 27: Topological Semimetals 2
TT 27.1: Vortrag
Dienstag, 17. März 2020, 14:00–14:15, HSZ 103
Deformation of the Fermi surface of NbP under uniaxial strain — •Clemens Schindler, Jonathan Noky, Marcus Schmidt, Claudia Felser, and Johannes Gooth — Max Planck Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Deutschland
The Weyl semimetal NbP has recently gained a lot of attention due to its peculiar magnetotransport properties. The low cyclotron masses and long relaxation times in the cleanest single-crystalline samples give rise to an extremely large magnetoresistance and pronounced Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations at moderate magnetic fields. In this study, we report on the study of the SdH oscillations under uniaxial strain using a three-piezo stack apparatus, combined with ab initio calculations of the band structure. We demonstrate the breaking of fourfold degenerate electron and hole pockets into twofold degenerate ones due to the breaking of the underlying fourfold rotational symmetry of the lattice. The direct, reversible application of uniaxial strain to materials with a sensitive Fermi surface therefore opens a playground for the symmetry manipulation of the electronic waves, in contrast to the application of hydrostatic pressure as well as the indirect determination of the strain dependence of the Fermi surface via magnetostriction oscillations.