Dresden 2020 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 37: Skyrmions II (joint session MA/TT)
TT 37.2: Talk
Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 10:00–10:15, POT 6
Electrical and optical manipulation of magnetic skyrmions — •Felix Büttner1, Bastian Pfau2, Lucas Caretta1, Kai Litzius1, Michael Schneider2, Guiseppe Mercurio3, Marie Böttcher4, Bertrand Dupé4, Johan Mentink5, Stefan Eisebitt2, and Geoffrey Beach1 — 1MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA — 2MBI, Berlin, Germany — 3XFEL, Hamburg, Germany — 4University of Mainz, Germany — 5RU Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale twisted spin textures with a topology equivalent to the unit sphere. Skyrmions exhibit fascinating quasi-particle physics, including skyrmion gyration [1], inertia [1], the skyrmion Hall effect [2], topological damping [3], sub-ns switching [4], and ultra-fast motion [5]. They are also promising candidates for several data storage and data processing technologies. In this context, fast and energy efficient operation is key. In this talk I will give a brief overview of our latest results of on skyrmion displacement by nanosecond spin-orbit torque current pulses and ultrafast light pulses. The main part of the talk will focus on the physics and speed of optically induced topological switching (skyrmion nucleation) and how this is different from classical bubble behavior. These results will be discussed from a theoretical and experimental perspective.
[1] Büttner et al., Nat Phys 11, 225 (2015). [2] Litzius et al., Nat Phys 13, 170 (2017). [3] Büttner et al., Sci Rep 8, 4464 (2018). [4] Büttner et al., Nat Nano 12, 1040 (2017). [5] Caretta et al., Nat Nano 13, 1154 (2018).