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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 45: Skyrmions III (joint session MA/TT)
TT 45.13: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 18. März 2020, 18:15–18:30, POT 6
Quantitative magnetic force microscopy investigation of magnetic features in the biskyrmion hosting hexagonal Mn33Ni33Ga33 magnet — •N. Puwenberg1,2, C. F. Reiche3, P. Devi4, U. Burkhardt4, C. Felser4, M. Sharma1,2, T. Mühl1, and B. Büchner1,2 — 1IFW Dresden, Dresden, Germany — 2Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany — 3University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA — 4MPI CPfS, Dresden, Germany
We present quantitative magnetic force microscopy maps and distance dependent force spectroscopy measurements of the potentially biskyrmion hosting compound Mn33Ni33Ga33 employing an in-house fabricated custom-designed force sensor. Our magnetic sensing element is based on an iron-filled carbon nanotube attached to the free end of a super-flexible cantilever. Using a high aspect ratio magnetic nanowire offers a well-defined magnetic moment with a monopole-like magnetic stray-field characteristics at the nanowire's end, enabling the opportunity to easily quantify the magnetic stray-field on the sample surface. Our measurements were conducted in a single pass non-contact hybrid imaging mode. It features a direct sensing of the perpendicular magnetic stray-field component by measuring the normal cantilever deflection whilst a tip-sample distance control is realized by exploiting an AC bias driven flexural cantilever oscillation. Furthermore, the distance-dependency of the magnetic field and field gradient measured in the vicinity of individual magnetic features is fitted to simple magnetic models to make predictions about feature type, size and extension into the bulk's perpendicular third dimension.