15:00 |
TT 47.1 |
DMRG study of a Kagome strip with two types of site spins — •Felix Liedeker, Nedko Ivanov, and Jürgen Schnack
15:00 |
TT 47.2 |
Properties of effective potentials obtained within the Localisation Landscape Theory of random potentials — •Sebastian Luhn and Erich Runge
15:00 |
TT 47.3 |
RPA as exact high-density limit of 1D correlated electrons — •Klaus Morawetz, Vinod Ashokan, Renu Bala, and Kare Narain Pathak
15:00 |
TT 47.4 |
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction studies on CoTiO3 — •Marco Hoffmann, Kaustav Dey, Sven Spachmann, Rabindranath Bag, Surjeet Singh, and Rüdiger Klingeler
15:00 |
TT 47.5 |
Strain engineering of the Mott material LaTiO3 — •Berengar Leikert, Julia Küspert, Martin Stübinger, Matthias Schmitt, Judith Gabel, Tien-Lin Lee, Michael Sing, and Ralph Claessen
15:00 |
TT 47.6 |
Dielectric and Fluctuation (Noise) Spectroscopy as Complements Tools to Study Slow Dynamics in Electronic Systems with Frustration — •Giuseppe Cantarella, Merlin Mitschek, Benjamin Kammerbauer, Tatjana Thomas, and Jens Müller
15:00 |
TT 47.7 |
Drastic change of the charge carrier dynamics at the Mott metal-insulator transition in κ-(BETS)2Mn[N(CN)2]3 — •Yassine Agarmani, Tatjana Thomas, Mark Kartsovnik, Nataliya Kushch, and Jens Müller
15:00 |
TT 47.8 |
Magnetic phase diagram of Li2FeSiO4 — •Ahmed ElGhandour, Martin Jonak, Waldemar Hergett, Sven Spachmann, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Johannes Werner, Sven Sauerland, Nadejda Bouldi, Maurits Haverkort, and Rüdiger Klingeler
15:00 |
TT 47.9 |
Ultrafast dynamics in transition-metal dichalocogenide IrTe2 — •Amrit R Pokharel, Meng Yang, You Guo Shi, Tao Dong, and Jure Demsar
15:00 |
TT 47.10 |
Theoretical study of designer Hubbard models — •David Mikhail and Stephan Rachel
15:00 |
TT 47.11 |
Electronic structure and dynamical properties of KO2 — •Dorota Gotfryd, Olga Sikora, Andrzej Ptok, Andrzej M. Oles, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, and Przemyslaw Piekarz
15:00 |
TT 47.12 |
LDA+DMFT Approach to Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in Correlated Materials — •Mathias Winder, Atsushi Hariki, and Jan Kuneš
15:00 |
TT 47.13 |
Interplay of electronic structure, magnetic state, and lattice stability in iron oxides under extreme conditions — •Ivan Leonov
15:00 |
TT 47.14 |
Exploring quasi-molecular orbitals in iridates by cluster RIXS calculations — •Jan Attig, Maria Hermanns, and Markus Grüninger
15:00 |
TT 47.15 |
Hard-core bosonic dynamical mean-field study on melting of excitonic dispersion in LaCoO3 — •Atsushi Hariki, Ru-Pan Wang, Andrii Sotnikov, Keisuke Tomiyasu, Davide Betto, Nicholas B. Brookes, Yohei Uemura, Mahnaz Ghiasi, Frank M. F. de Groot, and Jan Kuneš
15:00 |
TT 47.16 |
Electronic properties of strongly correlated ruthenates — •Neda Riahisamani and Eva Pavarini
15:00 |
TT 47.17 |
Response functions for correlated systems with LDA+DMFT — •Julian Mußhoff and Eva Pavarini
15:00 |
TT 47.18 |
Generic phase diagram of quantum dimer model on square lattice — Zheng Yan, •Zheng Zhou, Olav Syljuasen, Junhao Zhang, Tianzhong Yuan, Jie Lou, and Yan Chen
15:00 |
TT 47.19 |
Artificial Neural Networks Ansatz for Quantum Integrable Models — •Dennis Wagner, Andreas Klümper, and Jesko Sirker
15:00 |
TT 47.20 |
Higher order auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo methods — •Florian Goth and Fakher Assaad
15:00 |
TT 47.21 |
Orbital differentiation in Hund metals — •Fabian B. Kugler, Seung-Sup B. Lee, Manuel Zingl, Hugo U. R. Strand, Andreas Weichselbaum, Gabriel Kotliar, Antoine Georges, and Jan von Delft
15:00 |
TT 47.22 |
Energy Gap in Strongly Correlated Hubbard Clusters—Comparing Green Functions and DMRG — •Sönke Hese, Jan-Philip Joost, Niclas Schlünzen, Claudio Verdozzi, Peter Schmitteckert, and Michael Bonitz
15:00 |
TT 47.23 |
Symmetric WDA — •Asbjorn Rasmussen, Jens Jorgen Mortensen, and Kristian Sommer Thygesen
15:00 |
TT 47.24 |
Efficient ladder dual fermion calculations from a three-leg vertex — •Viktor Harkov, Angelo Valli, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, and Friedrich Krien
15:00 |
TT 47.25 |
The Chebyshev expansion as solver for the variational cluster approximation at finite temperature — •Jan Lotze and Maria Daghofer
15:00 |
TT 47.26 |
Magneto transport in light tuned STO-based interfaces — •Roland Schäfer, Daniel Arnold, and Dirk Fuchs
15:00 |
TT 47.27 |
RKKY driven quenching of local moments in Kondo dominated multi impurity models and Kondo insulators — •Fabian Eickhoff and Frithjof Anders
15:00 |
TT 47.28 |
Dynamical Effects in Topological Kondo Insulators — •Marvin Lenk and Johann Kroha
15:00 |
TT 47.29 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of Co impurity in Cu Host — •Daria Medvedeva, Alexander Poteryaev, Jindřich Kolorenč, and Alexander Shick
15:00 |
TT 47.30 |
Restoring the continuum limit in the time-dependent numerical renormalization group approach — •Jan Böker and Frithjof Anders