Dresden 2020 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 48: Poster Session: Many Body Systems, Quantum Critical Phenomena
TT 48.6: Poster
Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 15:00–19:00, P2/4OG
Transport and Localization Phenomena in One-Dimensional Open Quantum Systems Simulated with Matrix Product States — •Manuel Katzer, Willy Knorr, Regina Finsterhoelzl, and Alexander Carmele — Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Nichtlineare Optik und Quantenelektronik, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany
The discovery of disorder induced localization in the presence of interactions opened up a new field of research. We investigate the yet open question of phase transitions in transport and the conditions for the existence of many-body localization in different one dimensional open quantum systems in the presence of driving by an external bath. Here, we compare the model of a Heisenberg spin chain [1], where isotropic nearest-neighbor coupling shows negative differential conductivity and a transition from diffusive to subdiffusive transport with a chain of harmonic oscillators [2]. When these bosonic oscillators interact with a Kerr nonlinearity, higher-order excitations are suppressed and thus state-filling effects start to dominate. For large nonlinearities, this eventually results in a transport behaviour quite similar to the spin chain. In order to simulate larger chain lengths, the systems are simulated in a MPS approach [3] or via QMC in order to investigate the role of finite size effects and to get closer to a possible regime for many body localization effects.
[1] Droenner and Carmele, Phys. Rev. B 96, 184421 (2017)
[2] Huber and Rabl, Phys. Rev. A 100, 012129 (2019)
[3] Prosen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 217206 (2011)