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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 61: Ultrafast Dynamics of Light-Driven Systems (joint session TT/MA)
TT 61.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 19. März 2020, 15:15–15:30, HSZ 201
Ultrafast spectroscopy of the Kitaev magnet RuCl3 — •Raluca Aldea, Rolf B. Versteeg, Fumiya Sekiguchi, Anuja Sahasrabudhe, Kestutis Budzinauskas, Zhe Wang, and Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht — II. Physikalishes Institut, Universität zu Köln, Züplicher Str.77, Köln, Germany
Kitaev materials are a group of spin orbit assisted Mott insulators that bear strong bond-directional exchange interactions. This was discussed to result in a Kitaev liquid, implying that spins fractionalize in exotic Majorana fermion and Z2 flux excitations. We use pump-probe spectroscopy in order to investigate the magnetization dynamics above and below the zigzag ordering temperature. We discuss the dynamics in terms of coupling between different degrees of freedom.