Dresden 2020 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 63: Quantum Magnets and Molecular Magnets (joint session TT/MA)
TT 63.3: Talk
Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:45–16:00, HSZ 304
Resonant photon absorption in GdPc2 molecular magnet — •Gheorghe Taran1, Eufemio Moreno-Pineda2, Edgar Bonet3, and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer1,2,3 — 1Physikalisches Institute, KIT, Karlsruhe — 2Institute of Nanotechnology (INT), Karlsruhe — 3Néel Institute, CNRS, Grenoble, France
Single ion molecular magnets (SIMMs) champion a magnetic center (e.g. a 3d or 4f ion) whose properties are modulated by the coordinated organic ligands. Their relative simple structure makes the task of correlating structural characteristics to physical properties considerably easier and thus, opens the doors for chemical tailoring for technological applications that range from refrigeration to storage and processing of quantum information.
In this study, we investigate the resonant photon absorption in diluted single crystals of GdPc2 SIMM using micro-SQUID technique at subkelvin temperatures. Combining the advantages of EPR (e.g. the ability to explore the anisotropy character of the magnetic interactions) and those of micro-SQUID techniques (e.g. time-resolved dynamics on a micro-second scale) we construct the map of resonant transitions in the [1:40] GHz frequency range. The transitions are analyzed in the framework of a single spin Hamiltonian describing the ground state, S = 7/2, of the GdPc2 complex and the predictions are compared to the ones made by ab-initio calculations. The unprecedented resolution of the resonant frequency-field maps allows a critical evaluation of the state of the art ab-initio methods for ligand field estimations and sets the base for future investigations into the coherent dynamics.