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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 7: Micro- and Nanostructured Materials (joint session MA/TT)
TT 7.2: Vortrag
Montag, 16. März 2020, 09:45–10:00, HSZ 403
Magnetization reversal in round and square nanodots — •Andrea Ehrmann1 and Tomasz Blachowicz2 — 1Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Mathematics, Bielefeld, Germany — 2Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Physics - Center for Science and Education, Gliwice, Poland
Ferromagnetic nanodots in different shapes can be applied in data storage, spintronics, neuromorphic computing, etc. Especially the possibility to create vortex states is of high technological interest since these states have significantly reduced stray fields and correspondingly less interaction with neighboring nanodots. Whether a vortex state occurs in the absence of an external magnetic field, depends on the dimensions of the nanodots and, in case of not round nanoparticles, on the shape, since the shape anisotropy significantly influences magnetization reversal processes.
Here we give an overview of magnetization reversal processes in square [1] and round nanodots [2], often including a single-vortex state, while in some cases two, three or even more vortex-antivortex pairs can be found. We also show the stability of single vortex ground states, i.e. the states usually suggested for data storage, which depends strongly on the dot geometry.
[1] A. Ehrmann, T. Blachowicz, Hyperfine Interactions 239, 8 (2018)
[2] A. Ehrmann, T. Blachowicz, J. Magn. Magn Mater. 475, 727-733 (2019)