Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 1: Highly charged ions and their applications
Montag, 9. März 2020, 11:00–12:30, a320
11:00 |
A 1.1 |
Unraveling the mechanisms of single- and multiple-electron removal in energetic electron-ion collisions: from few-electron ions to extreme atomic systems. — •Alexander Borovik Jr
11:30 |
A 1.2 |
Electron-impact single ionization of Wq+ ions: Experiment and theory for 11 ≤ q ≤ 18 — •Daniel Schury, Alexander Borovik Jr, Benjamin Ebinger, Fengtao Jin, Kaija Spruck, Alfred Müller, and Stefan Schippers
11:45 |
A 1.3 |
Polarization effects in bound-free pair production — •Jonas Sommerfeldt, Robert Müller, Anton Artemyev, and Andrey Surzhykov
12:00 |
A 1.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:15 |
A 1.5 |
Electron-impact single and double ionization of multiply charged xenon ions — •B. Michel Döhring, Benjamin Ebinger, Alexander Borovik Jr, Kurt Huber, Fengtao Jin, Alfred Müller, and Stefan Schippers