Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 10: Collisions, scattering and correlation phenomena
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–16:15, a320
14:00 |
A 10.1 |
Scattering of twisted x-rays from a crystal — •Anton Peshkov, Stephan Fritzsche, and Andrey Surzhykov
14:30 |
A 10.2 |
Two-center electron-impact ionization via collisional excitation-autoionization — •Fiona Grüll, Alexander B. Voitkiv, and Carsten Müller
14:45 |
A 10.3 |
Calculation of Rayleigh scattering by highly charged heavy ions — •Dmitrii Samoilenko, Andrey Volotka, and Stefan Fritzsche
15:00 |
A 10.4 |
Polarization transfer in Rayleigh scattering — •Sophia Strnat, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, and Andrey Surzhykov
15:15 |
A 10.5 |
A New Super Current — •Hubert Klar
15:30 |
A 10.6 |
Stable longitudinal spin domains in a one-dimensional nondegenerate gas — •Sean D. Graham, Dorna Niroomand, Robert J. Ragan, and Jeffrey M. McGuirk
15:45 |
A 10.7 |
From polarons to bipolarons in Bose-Einstein condensates. — •Luis Ardila
16:00 |
A 10.8 |
Efficient double ionization by interatomic Coulombic decay — •Jacqueline Fedyk, Kirill Gokhberg, and Lorenz S. Cederbaum