Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 11: Attosecond physics II
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, f107
14:00 |
A 11.1 |
Probing electronic wavefunctions and chiral structure using all-optical attosecond interferometry — •Michael Krüger, Doron Azoury, Omer Kneller, Shaked Rozen, Barry D. Bruner, Alex Clergerie, Bernard Pons, Baptiste Fabre, Yann Mairesse, Oren Cohen, Olga Smirnova, and Nirit Dudovich
14:30 |
A 11.2 |
Attosecond pump-probe coincidence spectroscopy at 100 kHz — •Mikhail Osolodkov, Tobias Witting, Federico Furch, Felix Schell, Fabio Cavalcante, Carmen Menoni, Claus Peter Schulz, and Marc J.J. Vrakking
14:45 |
A 11.3 |
Molecular Frame Studies of Channel-Resolved Laser-Driven Electron Recollision — Federico Branchi, Horst Rottke, Mark Mero, Marc J.J. Vrakking, Varun Makhija, and •Jochen Mikosch
15:00 |
A 11.4 |
Study of multiphoton transition in the continuum using RABBITT — •Divya Bharti, Farshad Shobeiry, Hemkumar Srinivas, Robert Moshammer, Thomas Pfeifer, and Anne Harth
15:15 |
A 11.5 |
Static Coherent State Method: High-order Harmonic Gen- eration in atomic and molecular systems in different gauges — •Mohammadreza Eidi and Jan-Michael Rost
15:30 |
A 11.6 |
Imprinting orbital angular momentum onto a propagating matter wave — •Jonas Wätzel and Jamal Berakdar
15:45 |
A 11.7 |
Angular resolved photoemission of metal atoms embedded in helium nanodroplets in the MPI regime — •Bennet Krebs, Michael Zabel, Lev Kazak, and Josef Tiggesbäumker