Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 13: Clusters II (joint session MO/A)
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–15:45, f142
14:00 |
A 13.1 |
Molecular Rotation in floppy Molecules: He-H3+ — Thomas Salomon, Igor Savic, Oskar Asvany, Dieter Gerlich, Ad van der Avoird, Michael E. Harding, Jürgen Gauss, Filippo Lipparini, and •Stephan Schlemmer
14:15 |
A 13.2 |
Competition between inter- and intra-atomic ionization phenomena: Observation of Electron-Transfer-Mediated decay and Auger decay in Xenon-doped water clusters — •Aaron Ngai, Rupert Michiels, Nora Berrah, Carlo Callegari, Edwin Chapman, Raimund Feifel, Michele Di Fraia, Jakob Krull, Aaron C. LaForge, Paolo Piseri, Oksana Plekan, Kevin Prince, Richard J. Squibb, Vit Svoboda, Daniel Uhl, Hans-Jakob Wörner, Andreas Wituschek, and Frank Stienkemeier
14:30 |
A 13.3 |
Cryogenically Cooled Beams of Bio-Nanoparticles — •Lena Worbs, Jannik Lübke, Armando Estillore, Amit K. Samanta, and Jochen Küpper
14:45 |
A 13.4 |
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Perylene Derivative Nanoparticles — •Chris Rehhagen, Shahnawaz Rafiq, Stefan Lochbrunner, and Gregory Scholes
15:00 |
A 13.5 |
Spectroscopic investigation of gas-phase silvercluster-porphyrin hybrides — •Carl Frederic Ussling, Tobias Bischoff, Andre Knecht, Andrea Merli, Merle I. S. Röhr, Polina G. Lisinetskaya, Roland Mitrić, and Thomas Möller
15:15 |
A 13.6 |
Investigation of isolated aggregates of coumarin derivatives in the gas phase by applying combined IR/UV spectroscopy — •Pol Boden, Anke Stamm, Michael Borchers, Dominic Bernhard, Dominique Maué, and Markus Gerhards
15:30 |
A 13.7 |
Rayleigh scattering of a pulsed supersonic jet of Ar and CO2 at high particle densities — •Sara Fazli and Wolfgang Christen