Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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A 2: Attosecond physics I
Montag, 9. März 2020, 11:00–13:15, f107
11:00 |
A 2.1 |
Highly nonlinear ionization of atoms induced by intense HHG pulses — Björn Senfftleben, Martin Kretschmar, Andreas Hoffmann, Mario Sauppe, Johannes Tümmler, Ingo Will, Tamás Nagy, Marc J. J. Vrakking, Daniela Rupp, and •Bernd Schütte
11:30 |
A 2.2 |
Generation of elliptically polarized high-harmonics: towards chiral isolated attosecond pulses — •Ulrich Bengs and Nickolai Zhavoronkov
11:45 |
A 2.3 |
Attosecond XUV Fourier transform spectroscopy — •Laura Maikowski, Lorenz Drescher, Oleg Kornilov, Marc Vrakking, and Tobias Witting
12:00 |
A 2.4 |
Perspectives of high harmonics generation with tailored femtosecond driving pulses — •Lars Englert, Marcel Behrens, Felix Otten, and Matthias Wollenhaupt
12:15 |
A 2.5 |
Strong-field coherent control of photoemission from tungsten needle tips with a two-color laser field — •Philip Dienstbier, Timo Paschen, Lennart Seiffert, Thomas Fennel, and Peter Hommelhoff
12:30 |
A 2.6 |
Two-Color time resolved photoionization experiments with a high-repetition rate laser — •Hemkumar Srinivas, Farshad Shobeiry, Divya Bharti, Anne Harth, Thomas Pfeifer, and Robert Moshammer
12:45 |
A 2.7 |
Time operator, real tunneling time in strong field interaction and the attoclock — •Ossama Kullie
13:00 |
A 2.8 |
Ionization time in the nonadiabatic attoclock, Multiphoton process versus tunneling in strong field interaction — •Ossama Kullie