16:00 |
A 28.1 |
Strong interacting polaron and bi-polaron in 1D: beyond the extended Fröhlich model — •Martin Will, Jonas Jager, Ryan Barnett, and Michael Fleischhauer
16:00 |
A 28.2 |
Engineering of vibrational dynamics in a two-dimensional array of trapped ions — •Deviprasath Palaini, Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Florian Haße, Philip Kiefer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
16:00 |
A 28.3 |
Ultracold bosonic 23Na39K spin polarized ground state molecules and collisional properties in an atomic ensemble — •Philipp Gersema, Kai Konrad Voges, Mara Meyer zum alten Borgloh, Torsten Hartmann, Torben Alexander Schulze, Alessandro Zenesini, and Silke Ospelkaus
16:00 |
A 28.4 |
Cloud shape of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate in a disordered trap — •Sian Barbosa, Benjamin Nagler, Milan Radonjic, Jennifer Koch, Axel Pelster, and Artur Widera
16:00 |
A 28.5 |
Transport of a low-energy ion in a Bose-Einstein condensate. — •Moritz Berngruber, Thomas Dieterle, Felix Engel, Christian Hölzl, Tilman Pfau, and Florian Meinert
16:00 |
A 28.6 |
Shaping and Isotope-Purification of Ba+ Ion Coulomb Crystals — •Daniel Hönig, Fabian Thielemann, Pascal Weckesser, Kai Lok Lam, Julian Schmidt, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schätz
16:00 |
A 28.7 |
Ultracold interaction between a single Ba+-ion and spin-polarized Li — •Fabian Thielemann, Pascal Weckesser, Daniel Hoenig, Kai Lok Lam, Markus Debatin, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schaetz
16:00 |
A 28.8 |
Loading of sub-Doppler cooled potassium-39 ensembles into a painted optical dipole trap — •Alexander Herbst, Henning Albers, Sebastian Bode, Knut Stolzenberg, Ernst M. Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
16:00 |
A 28.9 |
The Bose-Einstein and Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL) for the ISS — •Kai Frye, Tom-Marvin Rathmann, Daniel Röckrath, Hemanth Kalathur, Dennis Becker, Christian Schubert, Waldemar Herr, Sven Abend, Thijs Wendrich, Ernst Rasel, and BECCAL Team
16:00 |
A 28.10 |
Creation and splitting of quantum degenerate gases in painted optical potentials - a toolbox for guided atom interferometry — •Knut Stolzenberg, Sebastian Bode, Alexander Herbst, Henning Albers, Ernst M. Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
16:00 |
A 28.11 |
Inter-orbital Interactions in a Fermionic Ytterbium Mixture — •Marcel Diem, Benjamin Abeln, Koen Sponselee, Nejira Pintul, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
16:00 |
A 28.12 |
Sound in a Homogeneous Bose Gas - The Two Fluid Model and Nonlinear Damping — •Timon Hilker, Christoph Eigen, Jinyi Zhang, Lena Dogra, Jake Glidden, Robert Smith, Nir Navon, and Zoran Hadzibabic
16:00 |
A 28.13 |
Setting up a sideband system and a digital ion trap in an atom-ion hybrid experiment — •Dominik Dorer, Shinsuke Haze, Joschka Wolf, Markus Deiss, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
16:00 |
A 28.14 |
Scattering an atom from a Rydberg composite — •Rajat Agrawal and Jan Michael Rost
16:00 |
A 28.15 |
Emergence of the Higgs mode in a two-dimensional few-fermion system — •Keerthan Subramanian, Luca Bayha, Marvin Holten, Ralf Klemt, Philipp Preiss, and Selim Jochim
16:00 |
A 28.16 |
Interorbital spin-exchange dynamics in ultracold ytterbium — •Giulio Pasqualetti, Oscar Bettermann, Nelson Darkwah Oppong, Luis Riegger, Immanuel Bloch, and Simon Fölling
16:00 |
A 28.17 |
Engineering time-dependent disorder potentials for fermionic quantum gases — •Silvia Hiebel, Benjamin Nagler, Jennifer Koch, Sian Barbosa, and Artur Widera
16:00 |
A 28.18 |
Roadmap to Rb-Sr dipolar rovibronic ground-state molecules — •premjith thekkeppatt, lukas reichsöllner, vincent barbé, severin charpignon, benjamin pasquiou, klaasjan van druten, and florian schreck
16:00 |
A 28.19 |
Single-atom-resolved fluorescence detection in a magneto-optical trap — •Cebrail Pür, Mareike Hetzel, Jiao Geng, Andreas Hüper, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Carsten Klempt
16:00 |
A 28.20 |
Spontaneous density-modulation through Rydberg dressing: Cluster Gutzwiller mean-field study of a Bose-Hubbard model with next-nearest neighbor interaction — •Mathieu Barbier, Jaromir Panas, and Walter Hofstetter
16:00 |
A 28.21 |
Number squeezing transfer from spin to momentum states — •Alexander Idel, Fabian Anders, Polina Feldmann, Bernd Meyer, Jan Peise, Luis Santos, and Carsten Klempt
16:00 |
A 28.22 |
A trapped dipolar supersolid with atomic Dysprosium — •Kevin Ng, Mingyang Guo, Fabian Böttcher, Jens Hertkorn, Jan-Niklas Schmidt, Hans Peter Büchler, Tim Langen, and Tilman Pfau
16:00 |
A 28.23 |
A cooperative optical mirror formed by a subradiant sub-wavelength atomic array — •David Wei, Jun Rui, Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Simon Hollerith, Kritsana Srakaew, Simon Evered, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross
16:00 |
A 28.24 |
Building up a modular Na-K quantum gas experiment — •Lilo Höcker, Jan Kilinc, Rohit Prasad Bhatt, and Fred Jendrzejewski
16:00 |
A 28.25 |
A laser system for creating ground state 23Na40K molecules — •Akira Kamijo, Roman Bause, Xing-Yan Chen, Marcel Duda, Andreas Schindewolf, Immanuel Bloch, and Xin-Yu Luo
16:00 |
A 28.26 |
Towards trapping ultracold polar molecules in a dark repulsive dipole trap — •Ren-Hao Tao, Roman Bause, Marcel Duda, Xing-Yan Chen, Andreas Schindewolf, Immanuel Bloch, and Xin-Yu Luo
16:00 |
A 28.27 |
Parametric Excitation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate: From Faraday Waves to Granulation — •Axel U. J. Lode, Jason H. V. Nguyen, Henry D. Luo, Gustavo D. Telles, Vanderlei S. Bagnato, Marios C. Tsatsos, and Randy G. Hulet
16:00 |
A 28.28 |
QUANTUS-2 - Quantum Gases under Microgravity — •Peter Stromberger, Merle Cornelius, Julia Pahl, Christian Deppner, André Wenzlawski, Patrick Windpassinger, and the QUANTUS-Team
16:00 |
A 28.29 |
Realization of dual-species BEC for interferometry in space — •Jonas Böhm, Baptist Piest, Maike D. Lachmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst M. Rasel, and The MAIUS Team
16:00 |
A 28.30 |
Towards Quantum Simulation of Light-Matter Interfaces with Strontium Atoms in Optical Lattices — •Jan Trautmann, Andé Heinz, Annie Jihyun Park, Florian Wallner, Eva Casotti, Neven Šantić, Immanuel Bloch, and Sebastian Blatt
16:00 |
A 28.31 |
Dipolar quantum mixtures of erbium and dysprosium — •Claudia Politi, Philipp Ilzhöfer, Gianmaria Durastante, Maximilian Sohmen, Arno Trautmann, Manfred Mark, and Francesca Ferlaino
16:00 |
A 28.32 |
Supersolid states in dipolar quantum gases — •Gabriele Natale, Lauriane Chomaz, Daniel Petter, Alexander Patscheider, Rick van Bijnen, Manfred Mark, and Francesca Ferlaino
16:00 |
A 28.33 |
Rydberg impurity dynamics in Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Sebastian Wüster
16:00 |
A 28.34 |
ECR ion source for the local injector of CRYRING at GSI/FAIR — •Sebastian Fuchs, Paul Willamowski, Alexander Borovik Jr, Svetlana Fedotova, Gleb Vorobjev, Frank Herfurth, Michael Lestinsky, and Stefan Schippers
16:00 |
A 28.35 |
A Steady-State Bose-Einstein Condensate — •Shayne Bennetts, Chun-Chia Chen, Rodrigo Gonzalez-Escudero, Benjamin Pasquiou, and Florian Schreck