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K: Fachverband Kurzzeit- und angewandte Laserphysik
K 2: Laser Systems
K 2.2: Vortrag
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:15–14:30, f428
A thin-disk pumped OPCPA system delivering >4 TW pulses — •Martin Kretschmar1, Johannes Tümmler1, Bernd Schütte1, Andreas Hoffmann1, Björn Senfftleben1, Mark Merö1, Mario Sauppe1,2, Daniels Rupp1,2, Marc Vrakking1, Ingo Will1, and Tamas Nagy1 — 1Max-Born-Institut, Max-Born-Straße 2A ,Berlin — 2ETH Zürich, John-von-Neumann-Weg 9, Zürich
Nonlinear optical interactions can already be studied in the XUV spectral window, where free electron lasers serve as a reliable source for intense XUV pulses. On a laboratory scale, the generation of intense XUV pulses is realized through high harmonic generation (HHG), calling for driving lasers delivering pulses in the Terawatt (TW) regime.
Here, we present an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system delivering >40 mJ near infrared pulses with a pulse duration below 8 fs, which corresponds to a peak power well exceeding 4 TW. The parametric amplification process is pumped by two home-built thin-disk lasers operating at 100 Hz with a pump pulse duration below 10 ps. The TW pulses are applied for HHG, enabling the generation of near µJ level XUV pulses, which can drive nonlinear strong field processes [1] and are a potential source for attosecond pump-probe experiments.
[1] Senfftleben et al., arXiv:1911.01375