Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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K 7: Laser Beam Interaction and Laser Diagnostics
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 14:00–15:00, f428
14:00 |
K 7.1 |
Broadband mid-infrared phase reconstruction in the focal plane of a microscope — •Niklas Müller, Florian Nicolai, and Tiago Buckup
14:15 |
K 7.2 |
Self-Written Optical Waveguides (SWWs) in Photopolymer Material — •Monali Suar, Axel Guenther, and Bernhard Roth
14:30 |
K 7.3 |
Highly Efficient Rhodamine B Doped Polymer Fiber Lasers — •Stefanie Unland, Simon Spelthann, Jonas Thiem, Florian Jakobs, Jana Kielhorn, Pen Yiao Ang, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Dietmar Kracht, Jörg Neumann, Axel Ruehl, Wolfgang Kowalsky, and Detlev Ristau
14:45 |
K 7.4 |
Quantitative determination of molecules in cooling laser-induced plasmas — •Joshua Klose, Thomas Dietz, Peter Kohns, and Georg Ankerhold