17:00 |
MO 15.1 |
Photochemical formation and photophysical properties of photocatalyst radicals — •Sebastian Bergwinkl and Bernhard Dick
17:00 |
MO 15.2 |
Monitoring the photochemistry of a formazan over 12 orders of magnitude in time — •Svenja Wortmann, Roger Jan Kutta, and Patrick Nuernberger
17:00 |
MO 15.3 |
Temperature and time dependent spectroscopy of tetranuclear d10-complexes with thermochromic emission — •Patrick Di Martino-Fumo, Pit Boden, Jasmin Busch, Stefan Bräse, Wim Klopper, and Markus Gerhards
17:00 |
MO 15.4 |
Universal Pure Aromatic Hydrocarbon Hosts for High-Efficiency Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes — •Qiang Wang, Fabien Lucas, Cassandre Quinton, Liang-Sheng Liao, Zuo-Quan Jiang, and Cyril Poriel
17:00 |
MO 15.5 |
pH-Dependence of Retinal Isomerization in Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin — •Oskar Kefer, Rei Abe-Yoshizumi, Hideki Kandori, and Tiago Buckup
17:00 |
MO 15.6 |
Optical and excitonic properties of molecular aggregates on dielectric surfaces — •Fulu Zheng, Sidhartha Nayak, and Alexander Eisfeld
17:00 |
MO 15.7 |
Ion-molecule reaction dynamics of atomic oxygen anions with methane — •Atilay Ayasli, Björn Bastian, Tim Michaelsen, Jennifer Meyer, and Roland Wester
17:00 |
MO 15.8 |
Microsolvation and rotation of *large* molecular impurities inside helium nanodroplets upon electronic excitation — •Mallikarjun Karra, Alexander A. Auer, Mikhail Lemeshko, Giacomo Bighin, Igor Cherepanov, Giovanni Bistoni, Johannes Fischer, Stefan Fuchs, Eva-Maria Lottner, Alkwin Slenczka, and Bretislav Friedrich
17:00 |
MO 15.9 |
Quantum chemical studies on chromone/alcohol aggregates - a carbonyl balance for dispersion interactions — •Patrick H. Strebert and Markus Gerhards
17:00 |
MO 15.10 |
Investigating the vibronic structure of photosynthetic pigments using screened range-separated hybrid functionals — •Alexander Schubert, Yin Song, Aksu Huseyin, Jennifer P. Ogilvie, Eitan Geva, and Barry D. Dunietz
17:00 |
MO 15.11 |
Linearized survival probability for revivals in a Morse oscillator — •Sreeja Loho Choudhury and Frank Grossmann
17:00 |
MO 15.12 |
A modified approach for simulating nonadiabatic dynamics via the generalized quantum master equation — Ellen Mulvihill, •Alexander Schubert, Xiang Sun, Xing Gao, Yudan Liu, Barry D. Dunietz, and Eitan Geva
17:00 |
MO 15.13 |
A compact UV/VUV spectrometer with fixed VLS gratings for overview luminescence measurements — •Nils Kiefer, Andreas Hans, Arno Ehresmann, and André Knie
17:00 |
MO 15.14 |
Chirped-Pulse Microwave Spectroscopy of Complex Molecules — •Bettina Heyne, Marius Hermanns, Nadine Wehres, Christian Endres, and Stephan Schlemmer
17:00 |
MO 15.15 |
Emission spectroscopy using heterodyne receivers — •Nadine Wehres, Bettina Heyne, Marius Hermanns, Jakob Maßen, Kirill Borisov, Katharina von Schoeler, Patrick Pütz, Cornelia Noningh, Urs Graf, Frank Lewen, and Stephan Schlemmer
17:00 |
MO 15.16 |
Novel sample delivery system for small nanoparticles and biomolecules — •Lena Worbs, Jannik Lübke, Armando Estillore, Amit K. Samanta, and Jochen Küpper
17:00 |
MO 15.17 |
Efficient Ytterbium Near-Infrared Luminophore Based on a Nondeuterated Ligand — •Pariya Nazari, Christian Kruck, Carolin Dee, Michael Seitz, Ian Howard, Bryce S. Richards, and Andrey Turshatov