17:00 |
MO 5.1 |
Data fusion for photoelectron spectroscopy @FLASH: a GPU accelerated approach — •Fabiano Lever, Dennis Mayer, Jan Metje, Markus Braune, Stefan Düsterer, and Markus Gühr
17:00 |
MO 5.2 |
Small waist multimode cavity design for spatially resolved imaging of cold molecules — •Jannis Schnars, Kai Voges, Philipp Gersema, Torsten Hartmann, Alessandro Zenesini, Klemens Hammerer, and Silke Ospelkaus
17:00 |
MO 5.3 |
Reconstructing Nanoclusters from Single Wide-Angle Scattering Images with Neural Networks — •Thomas Stielow, Thomas Fennel, and Stefan Scheel
17:00 |
MO 5.4 |
Attosecond pulse induced ionization dynamics in a molecular charge-transfer system with correlated electrons — •Karl Michael Ziems, Friedrich Georg Fröbel, Stefanie Gräfe, and Alexander Schubert
17:00 |
MO 5.5 |
PhotoElectron Circular Dichroism (PECD) of Anionic Metal Complexes — •Jenny Triptow, Gerard Meijer, and André Fielicke
17:00 |
MO 5.6 |
Finding molecules for consecutive photoinduced electron transfer (conPET) — •Carina Allacher, Patrick Nuernberger, and Bernhard Dick
17:00 |
MO 5.7 |
Hydrogen Atom Transfer (HAT) between phenol and phenoxy-radical — •Uwe Faltermeier and Bernhard Dick
17:00 |
MO 5.8 |
Study of the photophysics and photochemistry of the phenol-ammonia complex — •Stefan Fuchs and Bernhard Dick
17:00 |
MO 5.9 |
Understanding Geometric and Electronic Properties of Small Silicon Oxides Relevant in Interstellar Dust Formation Processes — •Kai Pollow, Karim Saroukh, Robert Radloff, Lars Dahllöf, Marko Förstel, and Otto Dopfer
17:00 |
MO 5.10 |
Optical Properties of Diamondoid Cations and Their Astrochemical Relevance — •Parker Crandall, David Müller, Peter Meinhold, Marko Förstel, and Otto Dopfer
17:00 |
MO 5.11 |
IR Photodissociation spectra of SixH4x-4+ (x=4-8): Evidence for Si-H-Si proton bridges — •Martin Andreas Robert George and Otto Dopfer
17:00 |
MO 5.12 |
High-resolution infrared study of carbon-rich clusters C3X and XC3X (X = Se, Te) — Sven Thorwirth, •Thomas Salomon, John B. Dudek, Yury Chernyak, Sophia Burger, Jürgen Gauss, and Stephan Schlemmer
17:00 |
MO 5.13 |
High-resolution infrared and millimeter-wave spectroscopy of CNHn+ (n = 0,4,6) ions — •Sven Thorwirth, Oskar Asvany, Charlie Markus, Jose Domenech, Thomas Salomon, Philipp Schmid, Matthias Töpfer, Philip Schreier, and Stephan Schlemmer
17:00 |
MO 5.14 |
phase transitions of nanoconfined water in self-assembled L,L-diphenylalanine peptides studied by vibrational spectroscopy — •Abuzer Orkun Aydin, Ferid Salehli, Svitlana Kopyl, and Andrei Kholkin
17:00 |
MO 5.15 |
URSA-PQ@FLASH: A mobile, highly flexible endstation for pump-probe electron spectroscopy at the FLASH free electron laser — •Jan Metje, Dennis Mayer, Fabiano Lever, Mario Niebuhr, Matthew Robinson, Axel Heuer, Richard Squibb, Raimund Feifel, Stefan Düsterer, and Markus Gühr
17:00 |
MO 5.16 |
Electron imaging of noble gases clusters under MIR laserfields — •Cristian Medina, Dominik Schomas, Markus Debatin, Ltaif Ltaif, Robert Moshammer, Thomas Pfeifer, Frank Stienkemeier, and Marcel Mudrich
17:00 |
MO 5.17 |
Photoelectron circular dichroism using 1+1 resonance-enhanced multi-photon ionization with UV laser pulses — •Nicolas Ladda, Constantin Witte, Tom Ring, Simon Ranecky, Sudheendran Vasudevan, Alexander Kastner, Han-gyeol Lee, Christian Sarpe, Hendrike Braun, Arne Senftleben, and Thomas Baumert
17:00 |
MO 5.18 |
High Repetition Rate Studies of Laser-Driven Electron Rescattering in Spatially Aligned Molecules — •Federico Branchi, Horst Rottke, Mark Mero, Marc J.J. Vrakking, and Jochen Mikosch